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Thread: Shape

  1. #1


    14-19% BF (Digital reading gives out two values)
    Very small framed

    Working out now for over 2 years.

    Old Routine
    3 X/wk inc cardio

    New Routine
    Workout 6 days a week. 1 muscle group until failure (30-40mins + 15min cardio)
    Then cardio on 7th day ( 4.5 miles)

    Want to start putting on lean mass. Is my bodyfat too high to start cycle at the minute???

    I dont mind waiting until i am ready for cycle of (6-12 months if necessary)
    1-12 TEST Cyp 500/wk
    4-12 anavar 40mg/day
    Last edited by Paddy_Irish; 03-17-2008 at 06:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Do you have a PCT planned?

  3. #3

    A-dex (0.25/day) and Nolva (Extra A-dex aside incase of sides during Cycle)

    I have read into this in depth

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Paddy_Irish View Post

    A-dex (0.25/day) and Nolva (Extra A-dex aside incase of sides during Cycle)

    I have read into this in depth
    Well basically this is up to you. If you are trying to bulk up you will more than likely add a little BF if you are eating like you should be. However, if you run this cycle and increase your cardio and keep your diet in check it is possible to increase your lean body mass while decreasing your BF%. You will be sacraficing gains by limiting your caloric intake however it sounds like what you are trying to achieve is a decrease in BF% while putting on a few lb's of quality muscle. All diet and workout routine my friend.

  5. #5

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