I had somewhat of a revelation in another thread that I posted in. I like the post so much that I thought id make a thread and show it to everyone. I was inspired by the great lengths that our government(USA) is going to in order to protect us all. We should all be true patriots and appreciate the things our government is doing for us. You might have to know a little bit about some current events in order to get everything im saying, or have seen a few CNN reports, but for the most part everyone should enjoy this... So I shall begin with saying...
Look...if you guys aren't doing anything wrong, then you shouldnt care about being searched. If you have nothing to hide then who cares if the government makes carbon copies of all your files and stores them in a database. This is for the good of everyone, the next terrorist attack could happen in a suburb near you. It might even happen at your kids soccer game. The terrorists are trying to kill each and everyone one of you, and they wont stop until they blow up every Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Pep Boys, and Movie theater in the entire country. This is why we must all eagerly acquiesce our 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights, so that all 350,000,000 of us can be safe from the some 1,000-2,000 Al-Qaeda Radical Islamic extremists. We all know that our government is doing everything in its power to make sure there is never another attack on the homeland, that is why our borders with Mexico and Canada are air tight, not even a fly could get into the country! We need to give the gift of Democracy to the Iraqi people, and fight the dangerous terrorists who were never in their country prior to our invasion, and had absolutely no ties with their dictator, but that is besides the point! We must also keep our embargo on Cuba, because Communism is evil and so are human rights violations, for instance China who is our biggest trade partner and is in the top 10 countries for human rights violations, but that is also irrelevant! Our politicians are also making sure that we are safe and that we have everything we need, even when 2/3 of the American public is against the war in Iraq, Dick Cheyney says "So????"... What a great man! We all have to remember that it doesn't matter what we think, Cheyney knows what is best for us, so we should all shut our mouths, and stop voicing our opinions in public opinion polls. In addition, we should all support S.1959, the Homegrown Radicalization and Terrorism group....I mean seriously, we need to have a law on the book so that whenever any of our fellow citizens dissent and speak out against the government, we can swiftly arrest them, and then send their asses to get waterboarded! I cant believe that the Spaniards considered waterboarding torture, and that we even convicted Japanese soldiers of war crimes for waterboarding American POWs, I mean we put those guys to death. Thats absurd, we should give the CIA operatives who waterboarded those guys a medal! What is even more crazy, is that some stupid defense attorneys are trying to get the testimony of those evil terrorists thrown out of court because it was obtained by waterboarding, or under duress. What a load of shit that is, everyone knows that you can use force to coerce testimony out of people. Then, some stupid citizen of Boston who is of Arab decent, that was held in Guantanamo for 5 years without being charged with a crime, and released last year, actually has the nerve to try and sue the US government for violating his civil rights, man, that guy is just not a patriot! If he were a true patriot, he would have accepted being detained without habeas corpus and waterboarded, it was for the good of the country! Well guys, thats the end of my rant.... Hope you guys are true patriots and remember that everything being done is to protect us from ourselves...