I couldn't find if this post has already been posted but let me know what you bro's like more and why......fina or equi if you have to choose one.
I couldn't find if this post has already been posted but let me know what you bro's like more and why......fina or equi if you have to choose one.
i'll let you know in about 6 weeks! eq should be kicking in next week and the fina im not starting till the 8th week.
I have'nt done EQ yet but will very very soon. I have done fina and have to say I love the stuff!!! Gains were awesome and I've been off now for about 3 months and have'nt lost any strength or size.
Hey bro, im like my BIG T brotha. I plan on running EQ in my next cycle. However i just finsihed 100mgs ed of fina. It made me real lean and hard. I didnt see any major increase in strength but i still love the results. If u can handle ed injections then i recommend adding it to the end of any cycle.
I did Fina and loved it strength and mass wise but I'm deciding on equi next or if I should stay with fina.
Hell, why not do both. My next cycle will consist of test enanthate-500mg(maybe 400mg) a wk, Eq-400mg a wk, fina-75-100mg ed, and might jump my cycle with some d-bol or a-bombs for the first 4 wks.
I would choose the fina but eq/fina/prop makes an awesome cutting cycle...
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