i,m 46,had plenty of aas experience ran high dosages of all the usuals and have never had the slightest sign of gyno ever. At the most a slight itch when i used lots of test cyp. Only use ai and serms during pct. My training partner is 25, on his 5th cycle of :
test e 750mg per week 1 -12
tren e 400mg per week1 -8
dbol @30mg per day weeks 1-4.
He has had no trouble before with gyno he tells me.What he has is lumps near each nipple but not behind them.All friends of mine who have had gyno have always had the classic BITCH TIT as we called them many years ago where the lumps were behind and around the nipple.His lumps are on the outside of each nipple about 15mm towards the arm pit and are more of a jelly bean size and shape (20mm long ,capsule shape if you know what i mean). Again having never experienced gyno myself i dont know if this is gyno or some other sort of gland response to the estrogen or prolactin build up. Cant seem to put the right words in the search engine to get any info so help would be appreciated. He has access to arimidex,lerto and bromo if necessary but prefer your feed back first. Many thanks Turk.