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Thread: scar tissue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    scar tissue?

    ive been doing my injections all in my glute... switching right to left...
    im shooting eod with andropen and monday and thursday with deca..
    recently my ass has been sore all the time.. and now there is a bump under the skin on both sides
    am i buiding up scar tissue?
    should i be concerned?
    or if i use a heating pad will it help?
    any advise is appreciated..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    give your ass a break, try your quads, easy and you can watch tv while doing it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Well three things come to mind after reading your thread:

    1) You aren't injecting into the muscle. Meaning, you aren't going deep enough and instead injecting into the fat. When you do this, the anabolics does not absorb well and instead pools up around the surface (your skin) before slowly going away.

    2) You have an infection. A lot of people take all the necessary precautions and it still happens. Do the areas feel warmer then usual? Is there a redness color to your skin? Is the area in question spreading? Keep an eye out on it.

    3) You have some allergic reaction do something (the compound, oil, material of the needle or something. One of my friends had this problem. No one was sure what he was allergic too, but it got so bad he had to stop.

    It doesn't sound like an infection. It could just be typical soreness with injections and you irritate that part of your body. Rotate your injection spots between your glutes, quads, shoulders, etc...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Well three things come to mind after reading your thread:

    1) You aren't injecting into the muscle. Meaning, you aren't going deep enough and instead injecting into the fat. When you do this, the anabolics does not absorb well and instead pools up around the surface (your skin) before slowly going away.

    2) You have an infection. A lot of people take all the necessary precautions and it still happens. Do the areas feel warmer then usual? Is there a redness color to your skin? Is the area in question spreading? Keep an eye out on it.

    3) You have some allergic reaction do something (the compound, oil, material of the needle or something. One of my friends had this problem. No one was sure what he was allergic too, but it got so bad he had to stop.

    It doesn't sound like an infection. It could just be typical soreness with injections and you irritate that part of your body. Rotate your injection spots between your glutes, quads, shoulders, etc...
    i def dont think its an infection.. and i also think im injecting deep enough.. im using 1' which i have been told is plenty..
    i just think that since all i am using is glutes im building up scar tissue which is causing the pain... could this be true?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Under the Weights
    had that happen to me before, made me worry like hell! gave it a week or so and it went away. it was my first injection of sust 250. rest of cycle went fine....?

  7. #7
    you are shooting WAY too often in your ass!!! The oil is building up in there, and your body is getting pissed off about it. You gotta swith up... start shooting a different muscle every day. Bis, delts, traps, quads, glutes, pecs, repeat!

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