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Thread: Depression issues

  1. #1

    Depression issues

    On a cycle of 750mg Test E and 600mg EQ.

    Toward the end of a sixteen week cycle and I am having anxiety and deppression issues. Went to the doctor to explore deppression meds because i've struggled with it a little before off juice and also does my imediate family. Lately it's been really bad. The doctor said a thyroid problem can cause some deppression issues. Have any of you experienced this?

    I've done four cycles now and this is the second one with eq and test e, never had this kind of problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    i have never experienced that but i doubt it has anything to do with gear. its prolly a issue that only your doc can explain. good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    You taking any ancillaries?

    Powerful hormones can act as a mood magnifier, so if you were already depressed it might heighten the feeling (not create it)

  4. #4
    Not taking anything else. Personally I think it's just deppression, There is quite a bit of it on both sides of my family. I got a script for some happypills so i'll see how that goes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Some people get depressed after a cycle not while on a cycle. I don't think its the gear

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    If your estrogen is 2 high that might not be helping.

    Try adding an AI like arimidex and seeing if lower estrogen helps.

  7. #7
    i got real depressed on my last pct when i was taking clomids if that helps!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    i never have been depressed in my life so i have no clue what your going thru but i know if you already have bad depression problems then you shouldnt mess with steroids because of the test drop and raised estrogen levels at the end

  9. #9
    Those are not little doses, and a 16 weeker is a long cycle... I know that a good friend got real depressed once when on some huge doses (much bigger than yours)... just sayin...

  10. #10
    Yea you make want to keep your cycles short and not so high dosages with aggressive pct. see if that helps. if not then dont run anymore cycles if its to much for you to handle!!

  11. #11
    i did 500mg test e and 600mg eq ew and experienced anxiety and depression post cycle.
    didnt go doc, but has since eased and i'm ok now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by obryanm View Post
    On a cycle of 750mg Test E and 600mg EQ.

    Toward the end of a sixteen week cycle and I am having anxiety and deppression issues. Went to the doctor to explore deppression meds because i've struggled with it a little before off juice and also does my imediate family. Lately it's been really bad. The doctor said a thyroid problem can cause some deppression issues. Have any of you experienced this?

    I've done four cycles now and this is the second one with eq and test e, never had this kind of problem.
    Your doc is likely right. Too long or too much AAS resulting in hypothyroid.
    He/she should have sent you to a laboratory to check your blood for thyroid hormone such as TSH,T3 and T4. There is some pills to to fix it, among others is T3 or Cytomel will help too.
    My experience taking Euthyrox pill 50 micg/day( one of T4 drugs) is helpful quickly

  13. #13
    Im having depression issues simetimes too, but usually during PCT when my hormones fluctuate around. When im on test i feel better then ever. How often are you shooting ? My advice is try to keep your levels stable by the proper injection frequency(every 3.5 days for Test E) - that will also help to avoid mood swings, and do an aggressive PCT.

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