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Thread: A BIG Boy - My come back pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Talking A BIG Boy - My come back pics

    I had developed to a good natural physique at 220lbs @ 6 feet tall, a fast runner with a flat bench of 385 for reps. Then I got hospitalized and diagnosed with an Anaphylactic Shock while in a foreign country.

    I spent a month in the hospital while being administered major meds and my real killer - Prednisone. In a large dose IV. To those of you not familiar with it, Prednisone is an antinflamatory corticosteroid that causes high cortisol levels and increased apetite - bad combo! There are many stories of weight gains in excess of 100 pounds of fat weight from people on Prednisone treatment.

    I was released and treated with Benedryl and oral Prednisone for about another 6 weeks or so.

    Getting back in to the gym was shaky- literally. All my lifts dropped considerably and I shook on everything.

    I got my flat bench back to 315 and hoping to break 405 soon. I also started the rehab treatment the doc failed to give me

    Here's some of my pics before my "home treatment". Once I get my bench back up I plan to cut up... probably start in about 2 months. I want to maintain a 10-11 percent B/F in the future - with 8-9 percent in the summer time.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sideobliquear.jpg 
Views:	1957 
Size:	31.8 KB 
ID:	13684  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I am currently at 252lbs and I plan to cut up to about 220-225.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frontposequadar.jpg 
Views:	5215 
Size:	35.6 KB 
ID:	13685  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Looks like you have good size bro. Goodluck with the come back. I know with your knowledge of nutrition and my convincing you to dump that HST crap (JK bro) you will reach your goals. Keep us updated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thanks. I started bodybuilding at 17 when a cousin had told me "you have a good frame with the potential to get huge." And ever since I have been learning and getting huge Actually nutrition and bodybuilding taught me how to read - I always had a hard time reading in High School until I started to pick up the books that interested me... dozens of books later...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'll post some new updates in about 6 weeks...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    nice size, good luck with your comeback bro!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sorry about the B&W - I had to get some before pics done fast or I would never do them at all And I only had a few roles of B&W in the frige...

    - thanks kreper69 -

  8. #8
    warrior it takes great disciplin to have been where you were and to looseing it. And now Back on the Road to Great Big Presses. You are looking solid my man, very very thick. keep up the hard work and hope everything goes as plan. I am sure it will, you are very knowledgable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by BullDogg20
    warrior it takes great disciplin to have been where you were and to looseing it. And now Back on the Road to Great Big Presses. You are looking solid my man, very very thick. keep up the hard work and hope everything goes as plan. I am sure it will, you are very knowledgable.
    Haha - you should have seen me in the hospital. After I was stable (lungs reopened and shit) and off epenephrine and morphine the nurses couldn't keep track of me. I was constantly running around the hospital with what I referred to as "R2-D2", my IV drip thingamagig. I was walking around in a daze from the IV Benedryl shots every 6 hours (makes you very tired) - BUT I WAS NOT GOING TO SIT IN A FRICKIN' BED AND FEEL USELESS.

    Yeah - time to bust past my previous accomplishments and start getting thick for Mr. Olympia 2003... there was a shit load of mass there and I want to be dialed in for it next year myself. And spring the couple hundered to see the show in person. Rather than just the Expo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Do you guys think I have a good build to take on a competitive future in BB? I have never considered competeing or other such things before... Dialing in at 220 should be a good physique. Right?

  11. #11
    I love stories like yours... best of luck to you man... and you are well on your way to being even better than before!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Now I know what's behind the name. Great size Warrior! I only have one suggestion...your side and rear delts need more size to balance out everything else. I'd prioritize those for a while and bring them up. Everything else looks solid.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Prednisone - is some very nasty shit, my wife was on oral dose of 40mg per day for over 6 months needless to stay, she will be some time recoving from it all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by silverfox
    Prednisone - is some very nasty shit, my wife was on oral dose of 40mg per day for over 6 months needless to stay, she will be some time recoving from it all.
    Yeah - they had me on a pretty high dose IV - infact many of my new nurses questioned it a lot... "Is this right?"

    When they gave me some PO to take home I was like - Yeah... I'll be popping these little fuckers... suuuuuure. He said that my body was unable to produce cortisol (is that a bad thing doc? ) without a slooow weening off period - I took them on my own just because he said it could be life threating to go cold turkey. But I did cut off the last week... when I was all the way down to 5mg.

    Good luck to your wife! My sister's husband may have a future with it too What a bullshit drug!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    I'm with you bro, this is a hard battle back to the top but only a warrior can do it. You've got all the skills. Plus you are a future mod. I totalled my vette and was on vicatin for three months. It drained me in all areas. I am trying to get back on top myself. Thanks for the inspiration and all the great posts.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    good luck on your come back bro .You got some good size .What kind of bf % are you at on those pics . Your going to kick some ass bro


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by thegame01
    good luck on your come back bro .You got some good size .What kind of bf % are you at on those pics . Your going to kick some ass bro

    Probably about 14-16 percent but it is hard to tell when you get this big since higher body fats can look leaner. I will do a hydro test once I get the next chance for sure!

    Thanks for everyones support.
    Last edited by Warrior; 11-02-2002 at 01:07 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good luck w/ the come back Bro!


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