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Thread: Ryan "Bench Monster" Kennelly on Big Nation ( internet ) Radio

  1. #1

    Ryan "Bench Monster" Kennelly on Big Nation ( internet ) Radio

    On monday, July 21st, 2008 Ryan Kennelly was interviewed on Big Nation Radio. What unfolded was one of the most uncensored and unedited interviews in the history of powerlifting.

    To hear free replays of Kennelly's interview log on to

    If it doesn't begin playing automatically, hit the refresh button on your browser.

    Kennelly's portion of the radio broadcast starts about two minutes into the program and runs for the first 50 minutes of the show.

    His interview gets crazier and crazier as it progresses so don't miss the chance to hear the # 1 pro bencher in the world call it as he sees it on a variety of controversial topics !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kennelly low res 13.jpg 
Views:	34729 
Size:	31.8 KB 
ID:	92488  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    never heard of that site before

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