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Thread: First Cycle and PCT

  1. #1

    First Cycle and PCT

    This is what my buddy (who is experienced using anabolics) is recommending for my first cycle. I posted a partial protocol before, but now I have the full recommendatoions from him.

    Is there anything I need to change or anything you see here that sticks out as incorrect? Thanks for the help.

    Testosterone cypionate 10cc 200mg
    Protocol: 2 ml injection (IM) per week for 12 weeks

    Tamoxafin 21mg capsules (36)
    Protocol: 1 capsule 3 x per week

    Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12) 30ml 1000 mcg (1) vial
    Protocol: 1 cc injection via insulin syringe per week

    Post cycle
    HCG 10,000 unit vial
    *mix with 5 cc of bacterial static water
    Protocol: Begin 2 weeks after last testosterone injection, 1,000 units for 10 days

    Clomiphene citrate (15) 51mg capsules
    Protocol: Begin 2 weeks after last testosterone injection; 1 capsule daily for 15 days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    32 years old about 6 foot 3 and 210lbs. dont know body fat % but could afford to lose some fat in my trunk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    that doesn't mean you only have 1 test vial does it? you would need 24cc for that cycle.

    i would suggest not taking the nolva during the cycle, and save it for pct. if you really want, you can take arimidex during the cycle as an AI and to keep bloating down

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by tfron07 View Post
    This is what my buddy (who is experienced using anabolics) is recommending for my first cycle. I posted a partial protocol before, but now I have the full recommendatoions from him.

    Is there anything I need to change or anything you see here that sticks out as incorrect? Thanks for the help.

    Testosterone cypionate 10cc 200mg
    Protocol: 2 ml injection (IM) per week for 12 weeks
    This looks fine but you should do it 1ml injection every 3.5 days
    Tamoxafin 21mg capsules (36)
    Protocol: 1 capsule 3 x per week
    Um... No. First off an AI is preferred for on cycle gyno protection. Second tamox should be run ED if it is to be used
    Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12) 30ml 1000 mcg (1) vial
    Protocol: 1 cc injection via insulin syringe per week
    Dont see why you would need this but b-12 should be injected daily
    Post cycle
    HCG 10,000 unit vial
    *mix with 5 cc of bacterial static water
    Protocol: Begin 2 weeks after last testosterone injection, 1,000 units for 10 days
    Dunno a whole lot about HCG so hopefully someone else will comment
    Clomiphene citrate (15) 51mg capsules
    Protocol: Begin 2 weeks after last testosterone injection; 1 capsule daily for 15 days.
    No. HCG will keep you shutdown so your technically doing a 5 day pct... PCT should be atleast 4 weeks and preferably utilize an AI and/or nolva as well
    Answers are in bold.
    Last edited by Dog-Slime; 07-24-2008 at 02:42 PM.

  6. #6
    my mistake. i have plenty of test. thanks for the replies. is the B12 really necessary?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by tfron07 View Post
    my mistake. i have plenty of test. thanks for the replies. is the B12 really necessary?
    No not at all.

  8. #8
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Are you doin one injection a week or two of test?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    what he said test need to be done once a week and the novl. needs to be at the end pct,.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    1-12 testosterone cypionate 250mg e7d save nolva for pct you can add d-bol if you want 1-6 20/25 mg ed

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