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Thread: hernia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    so i had a lot of pain in my stomach area more on the left side close ot my hip. i just thought i had a bruise because evertime i put my gear on(im in iraq) it would hurt. well today i woke up and it hurt a shit ton and felt it and i got a huge lump. went to my medics they looked at me and they say its a hernia. im leavin in an hour to go talk to a doc and find out whats up. I hope to god its nto a hernia. anyone had one? how long will i not be able to lift? i only have a little over a month left in iraq so hopefully they just send me home, haha.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    well i went to the dr here in iraq and he was a tool. all he did was poke it a few times scratch his head and go hmmmm. "i dont know what it is." so he put me on profile not to lift over 20lbs for 5 days which means i cant go on mission. and if it doesnt get better i need to go back and see him. it was pointless

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ya if you really do have a hernia you need to get surgery. I've gotten one before and it was extremely painful and swelled up inside my skin in that area...coulnt lift anything at all for like 6 weeks after and hurt to pee/do anythign for like 4

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    I've had 2 hernia surgeries, one on each side and they are a pain in the rear! You will not want to lift anything for 4-6 weeks after surgery. You may want to take it easy to. I always thought that I gotmine from lifting too much, but then I read that they can be hereditary.

    I had one done back in the day at a less than average hospital and the Doctor left some of the wire msh hanging out of my suture. That one took quite sometime to heal. Then I had one a couple of years later and it was outpaient surgery and I was back to work the next day, but I don't think that I was lifting any weight for a few weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Imperial Valley, CA
    Great advice by all. I have a double hernia and have had the left side repaired surgically. It hurt like a motherf****er! The bros that say 6 weeks healing time are right on. The worst part about it is I don't feel any difference. My dad had it done too, and says the same thing. My surgery was 5 years ago, and I haven't been back to have the right side done. jmo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Las Vegas
    I know this thread is a little old but..great advice so far. I've had two. The first was a real bitch and put me down for several months and the second I was up and training again in the same amount of time. Some go well, others don't. But don't put it off. Also..the last thing you want to do is keep training with it. If it gets to the point it's strangulated, then you have serious problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    i had a massive ventral hernia, my whole abdomen cut from my sternum to my groin, & they left it that way for a year (with just a thin skin graft membrane covering it), due to other intestinal damage. when they finally did the surgery to correct it, the muslces were all healed together, so they tried to cut the muscles apart, & place them back into the ab region. When it was over, it looked "better", & took several months to heal, especially since the main incision got infected & necrotic. But when I was finally able to start lifting again, new bulges emerged. I guess they made "relaxing cuts" in the muscle, to try to stretch it back across the ab area. Those relaxing cuts failed, and now there are bubbles that "grow" when I do any kind of straining. I need another surgery to repair the relaxing cuts that tore apart, but I'm so sick of the hospital that I won't go back until winter. After lifting, (especially a back routine), I just look in the mirror, find all the spots where the guts are poking through the ab muscles, and gently push them back inside. Then I wrap an elastic ab binder around my torso to keep it all in place. This is probably terrible advice, but if you can't afford surgery or you're not ready for it, then this is stopgap that has worked for me.

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