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Thread: i have gyno and i want to do a mass cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    i have gyno and i want to do a mass cycle

    guys, i have used steroids before and i have full gyno in my right tit. i want to do a cycle of some tests to gain some good mass, and was wondering if u guys can tell me how to go about it since i already have gyno. i want to do a couple more cycles b4 i get the surgery. so wut kind of roids would u recommend for a mass cycle and wut should i take to take care of the gyno? do i even need to take something like nolva or letrozole since i already have gyno? my nipple is very sensitive and puffy and hurts if i put pressure on it, so i definitely have full out gyno, so will it get bigger if i take more test? i have been searching for how to go about a cycle when u have gyno and cant find it anywhere, can somebody please help me? thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    It will definitely get bigger if you take more test, but if you're goning to cylce, you need test. I was in the same boat as you about three years ago. I already had gyno before I even did my first cycle. It wasn't that bad but it bothered me.

    After my first cycle I knew I was going to get the surgery. I was so paranoid and would check my chest every night to see if it was getting worse. I said f##k it and did a couple more cycles and got the surgery. One week after I started another cycle. Now I use letro because I am gyno prone and don't want the problem to come back.

    You can bet it will too. I was told after the surgery it will not come back because the gland has been removed. I assure you it can. If you're going to have the surgery(which isn't all that bad) anyways than just do your cycle and don't worry about it. If you're not sure, than keep something like letro on hand because you may need.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    england, manchester
    i also have gyno in both my tits through taking steroids a few years ago. im thinking the same as you, whilst i save for surgery i could use what i have (winstrol, tremblone andpropionate) on another course. ive been told the gland gets cut out but they cant cut the whole gland out completly without losing your nipples, everyones nipples must need a little gland behind them 4 some reason. has letro stopped gyno coming back for you hankdiesel? after paying thousands on surgery wernt you worried about taking gear again?

  4. #4
    Hey bro, Im ssuper gyno paranoid. I have used letro before, works great but actually got gyno from the estro rebound.

    Most will probably say this is overkill but it should keep you very safe. I would run 25mg Aromasin ED and 20-40mg ED, this way ur attacking gybo from two places. Aroamsin should be enough on its owns to stop estro conversion and if thats not enough u have plently of nolva to actaully protect the receptior. So this would keep you pretty safe I think

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I think it's safe to say this question has been answered, but I'm going to throw my two cents in anyway, because more opinions never hurt.

    I had Gyno since I was a kid. It runs in my family, my dad has it, my half bro has it, and I had it. I had it so bad it hurt my confidence significantly. I got the surgery a couple years ago before steroids were even a thought in my mind. Since then I've done 2 cycles, and I'm on my third right now. I haven't seen any signs of it since the surgery. I take Aroma while on cycle, and I always have Aroma, Nolva, and Letro on hand... just in case.

    Good luck bro.

  6. #6
    I highly recommend seeing a person who has done this sort of thing before. A good source is the layman's guide to steroids. I can personally vouch for its information-dense prose.

  7. #7
    Sorry, I'm not to knowledgeable on the subject of letro but if it reverses gyno, couldn't you take that rather than spending the ~4k on surgery?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Letro is only good at reversing recently formed gyno tissue also it does not eliminate it rather reduce it. At a certain point letro will do nothing to help other than help make it not get worse.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by reddragon4954 View Post
    Hey bro, Im ssuper gyno paranoid. I have used letro before, works great but actually got gyno from the estro rebound.

    Most will probably say this is overkill but it should keep you very safe. I would run 25mg Aromasin ED and 20-40mg ED, this way ur attacking gybo from two places. Aroamsin should be enough on its owns to stop estro conversion and if thats not enough u have plently of nolva to actaully protect the receptior. So this would keep you pretty safe I think
    Estrogen rebound from letro is often causes by abuse and too high/frequent of a dose.

    .5mg M W F is MORE than enough to keep sides at bay on cycle. Just remember to taper down toward the end of your cycle until the introduction of your SERM in PCT.

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