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Thread: Anyone got some experience on Clenbuterol?

  1. #1

    Anyone got some experience on Clenbuterol?

    I got 100ml of liquid Clenbuterol 200mcg per ml. i havent used it before but i was thinking of trying today i read some Articles and such it can cause Heart Problems and such its Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic... anyone got some experiences on clen? how does it last really... i heard liquid Clen works the second it hits ur mouth unlike tabs wich you gotta wait for the effect..
    Last edited by Melonray; 01-12-2009 at 07:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    I haven't used it, but while you wait for responses take a moment to use the search button and do a search on clen, you should find plenty of info.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Melonray View Post
    I got 100ml of liquid Clenbuterol 200mcg per ml. i havent used it before but i was thinking of trying today i read some Articles and such it can cause Heart Problems and such its Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic... anyone got some experiences on clen? how does it last really... i heard liquid Clen works the second it hits ur mouth unlike tabs wich you gotta wait for the effect..
    Yes its true it can cause heart cell death but I wouldn't worry about this unless you plan on using it many times with long durations. As far as it being anabolic that is not true as far as I know and for it being anticatabolic it has been proven in studies of livestock. does it work this way for humans (I think so) but at what magnitude? some say its so minut that it shouldn't be relyed apon for this I dont agree with that from personell experience but there are no human trials to back up anybodies opinion on this as far as i know. personally I see sides within the first day of using liquid clen, hands shaking, headaches, jitters ect. I have not used the tabs so I can't comment on that but either way it starts to work fast so don't worry about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i tried liquid clen and either it was fake or im a non almost positive it was fake because i let my gf try some and it did nothing..i got it from a well known site other than lion (which i heard has problems as well)...try it and hope for the best

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