do you think letro will shrink my one sided gyno because its pubertal opposed to be aas derived!???
do you think letro will shrink my one sided gyno because its pubertal opposed to be aas derived!???
NO one can say forsure until you try it.
It works miracles on some and not others
so there is some cases of people shrinking down pubertal gyno with letro ?
If you ask members on here they might say yes. Ask a doc, they will say no. I don't have gyno issues so I can't say from exp.
Its not too expensive give it a try and see how it works for you
have seen several studies using nolvadex on pubertal gyno.. yet to see one using letro
so you think nolva would work better then letro ? . ill be using nolva anyways . so i might as well see what happens .
thats the route id take
I think this will help you more then anything
personally dont think letro will do much for existing gyno.. nolvadex altho not 100% has been shown in studies to have some effect.. heres one.. ill dig up more..
Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia.Lawrence SE, Faught KA, Vethamuthu J, Lawson ML.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [email protected]
OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of the anti-estrogens tamoxifen and raloxifen in the medical management of persistent pubertal gynecomastia. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review of 38 consecutive patients with persistent pubertal gynecomastia who presented to a pediatric endocrinology clinic. Patients received reassurance alone or a 3- to 9-month course of an estrogen receptor modifier (tamoxifen or raloxifene). RESULTS: Mean (SD) age of treated subjects was 14.6 (1.5) years with gynecomastia duration of 28.3 (16.4) months. Mean reduction in breast nodule diameter was 2.1 cm (95% CI 1.7, 2.7, P <.0001) after treatment with tamoxifen and 2.5 cm (95% CI 1.7, 3.3, P <.0001) with raloxifene. Some improvement was seen in 86% of patients receiving tamoxifen and in 91% receiving raloxifene, but a greater proportion had a significant decrease (>50%) with raloxifene (86%) than tamoxifen (41%). No side effects were seen in any patients. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of estrogen receptor action in the breast appears to be safe and effective in reducing persistent pubertal gynecomastia, with a better response to raloxifene than to tamoxifen. Further study is required to determine that this is truly a treatment effect
Thanks big gun , but i dont think the thread is related much to pubertal gyno . thanks for the post mammon , what exactly is raloxifene , its says its better then nolva. so how long exactly would i have to been on nolva to see the results ?
I also have gyno from puberty. I tired letro for i belive 3 mo. and saw no effects. I have not tried nolva except in my first cycle and it never got worst but it didnt go away either? I think surgery is the only way to get ride of it and who know it always could come back after a cycle?
From what I have read it is near impossible to come back after surgery because they remove as much of the gland behind the nipple as possible, they can't remove it all thou cause ur nipple will concave inward.
Paul you have it in both pecs or one , i have it only in one! majorely annoying! so letro didnt work for you ? .. maybe trying nolva for a bit longer . a couple of months it might work .
Yes both its not that bad im told but i can notice it and i hate it!
same here, letro will not do anything nor nolva for pub gyno. It has to be done surgically.
i know it wont completely remove it , but i just wanted to know if it was possible to shring it significantly .
IDK what your body fat % is but that can help a little
my body fat is around 10%!
Ye does anyone else have anymore studies that were done ? . i think it said it helped 86% of the study group.
i have gyno had it couple of yr now, i think iv had it tho since pubity but never noticed and as i were still young and nieve started taking steroids not knowing about side affects or even caring which now my gyno is a lot worse to the point ppl point it out offen, very annoying!! iv been serching for some sort of cure my self before considering sergery and was thinking about taking letro my self, a menber on here post this reply to my thread, check it out and the web address-
Theoretically letro may be better and Bino claims it is, however there arent any credible studies, whereas there are with Tamoxifene and Raloxifene. The results from raloxifene in studies are rather promising. This study reported an average of a 73% reduction in the patients using raloxifene at 60mg a day. Personally I would try Ralox first, as Letro has many more negative sides, especially at high doses.
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