I'm almost 24 still in puberty and grew up with obvious signs of low testosterone (long arms and legs, lack of concentration, impulsive, depressed, lack of confidence, little thin facial hair, skinny with belly fat, hyperactive, forgetful, low muscle mass, always feeling tired especially after eating) but I've figured that out that it's a major problem with extensive research not too long ago. I went to the clinic and told the doctor about the negative symptoms I've been living with. She ordered an extensive blood/urine test, including my testosterone levels. (I read TESTOSTERONE on the prescription)
Two weeks later the results got back to the doctor and she said my blood looks fine... except that when I asked her for my testosterone levels out of curiosity, she angrily told me that she never ordered that and the problem isn't hormonal. She reordered a urine test because the first one didn't pass properly. (contamination, blood in it... etc)
What can this mean? Is she against hormone therapy because of its negative effects? Are my hormonal levels really balanced, even if she won't tell me what they are? Can something else, like my kidneys, causing low testosterone levels? Is it possible that I'm not experiencing low testosterone and something else might have caused delayed puberty?
Until I get my urine test results, can you guys give me your take on this?
I appreciate the help