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Thread: Has anyone heard of...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England.

    Has anyone heard of...

    Deca taking up to eight weeks to kick in?

    I was running 400mg of Deca and 400mg of Test-E per week. I would have run the test a little higher than the Deca but because of massive hairloss issues I decided to go with the lower dose.

    I'm basically 8 weeks into an Anavar/Deca/Test-E cycle and the weight has only started increasing now. I ran the Anavar for 6 weeks to help regain some mass I lost while travelling, but once I came off, the gains became stagnant and the strength increase I'd gained, dropped by about 5kg's-10kg's on the compound exercises. The Anavar basically helped me regain all the weight I had lost (14lbs) in between Weeks 1-5, but after that I completely stopped gaining.

    As I understand it, gains on Deca and Test-E should peak between weeks 5-8, but I had no strength gains or weight gain. However in the past 6 days my weight has suddenly increased by about 3-5lbs has anyone heard of it taking this long for Deca/Test-E to kick in? My diet and training has not changed over the period. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by skitz1 View Post
    Deca taking up to eight weeks to kick in?

    I was running 400mg of Deca and 400mg of Test-E per week. I would have run the test a little higher than the Deca but because of massive hairloss issues I decided to go with the lower dose.

    I'm basically 8 weeks into an Anavar/Deca/Test-E cycle and the weight has only started increasing now. I ran the Anavar for 6 weeks to help regain some mass I lost while travelling, but once I came off, the gains became stagnant and the strength increase I'd gained, dropped by about 5kg's-10kg's on the compound exercises. The Anavar basically helped me regain all the weight I had lost (14lbs) in between Weeks 1-5, but after that I completely stopped gaining.

    As I understand it, gains on Deca and Test-E should peak between weeks 5-8, but I had no strength gains or weight gain. However in the past 6 days my weight has suddenly increased by about 3-5lbs has anyone heard of it taking this long for Deca/Test-E to kick in? My diet and training has not changed over the period. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
    are you sure about your source, if the gear is underdosed then it could have taken longer for you to see gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England.
    Yeh I'm friends with the guy who owns the company that produces them, they're a new lab and have a wide customer base here in the UK with a good reputation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    With those compounds its not that it takes that long for the gains to peak
    Thats when they finally fully kick in and you really start seeing the gains come on.
    Make sure you are eating enough too

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