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Thread: HGH Measurement on Slin Pin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    HGH Measurement on Slin Pin

    Hello all,

    Today I bought the following :

    1x12 mg of humatrope
    1x6 mg of humatrope.

    I have already mixed both cartridges and both are sitting in my fridge quite happily.

    I bought a few (read 20), U100 Slin Pins.

    What I want to know is the following :

    1.) If I want to take 2 IU's of the 12mg cartridge, do I need to draw it to mark 20 on my U100 Slin Pin or do I draw it until mark 2 on the U100 slin pin?

    2.) Can I reuse my slin pin more than once? Or do I need to use a fresh slin pin every day?

    3.) Am I correct in that if I want to take 2 IU's of 12 mg a day, then when my 12 mg cartridge finishes, then I have to take 4 IU's of the 6 mg cartridge a day in order to get the same concentration of GH in my body?

    Any help would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by pokkie View Post
    Hello all,

    Today I bought the following :

    1x12 mg of humatrope
    1x6 mg of humatrope.

    I have already mixed both cartridges and both are sitting in my fridge quite happily.

    I bought a few (read 20), U100 Slin Pins.

    What I want to know is the following :

    1.) If I want to take 2 IU's of the 12mg cartridge, do I need to draw it to mark 20 on my U100 Slin Pin or do I draw it until mark 2 on the U100 slin pin? We need to know how much bac water you added first

    2.) Can I reuse my slin pin more than once? Or do I need to use a fresh slin pin every day?Never reuse a needle buddy!

    3.) Am I correct in that if I want to take 2 IU's of 12 mg a day, then when my 12 mg cartridge finishes, then I have to take 4 IU's of the 6 mg cartridge a day in order to get the same concentration of GH in my body?2 IU's is 2IU's. Your 12mg=approx.36IU's, 6mg=approx.18IU's.

    Any help would be much appreciated
    You really need to do some more research before you start injecting your self man.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Well according to Lilly, "Each cartridge is supplied in a combination package with an accompanying syringe containing approximately 3 mL of diluting solution (diluent)".
    So from what I understand there is a standard amount of water that gets added when u mix the two, or am I incorrect?

    So are you saying that there isn't a concentration when it comes to IU's?

    Again this seems contradicting what Lilly says :

    Cartridge — The Humatrope cartridge has been designed for use only with the Humatrope injection device. Each cartridge of Humatrope should be reconstituted using only the diluent syringe that accompanies the cartridge and should not be reconstituted with the Diluent for Humatrope provided with Humatrope vials. The reconstituted solution should be clear. If the solution is cloudy or contains particulate matter, the contents MUST NOT be injected. Humatrope cartridges should not be used if the patient is allergic to metacresol or glycerin.

    The somatropin concentrations for the reconstituted Humatrope cartridges are as follows:

    6 mg cartridge (gold) 2.08 mg/mL
    12 mg cartridge (teal) 4.17 mg/mL
    24 mg cartridge (purple) 8.33 mg/mL

    Yup, I had done some research but never expected this much confusion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    At 3ml of diluting solution, your 6mg cartridge (2.08mg/ml) would be approximatley 3IU's at the 50 point mark on a u100 slin pin.

    Your 12mg cartridge (4.17mg/ml) would be approximately 3IU's at the 25 point mark on a u100 slin pin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks alot, that makes it perfectly clear

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    No problem pokkie, just remember 1mg of hgh = approx.3IU's(more accurately 1mg=2.7iu)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    What really confused me was that fact that a slin IU and a HGH IU isn't the same, e.g. you draw up to the 25 unit mark for 3 IU's of HGH, whereas if you were using slin you would draw up to the 3 unit mark if u wanted to take 3 IU's of slin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    An IU is a measure of biological activity. It is different for every substance. So while it can be converted to a volume it will be different for every substance. In the case of insulin syringes the the IU's are calibrated to insulin's biological activity and the standardized concentrations provided. Just have to keep your math clean and youll be fine. As cannon said 1mg hgh = 2.7 IU's of hgh. Thats all you need to know.
    Last edited by thefunkybuddha; 05-15-2009 at 08:25 AM.

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