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Thread: High Dose HGH log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    High Dose HGH log

    Im on day 3 of my 4 week cycle of 20 iu's a day..
    i have chinese blue tops n ********** and a lot of it,
    my stats 6'0 215 lbs 30 years old, i used some winstrol , anavar, and hgh before...(2 years ago)
    i weigh 226 lbs on day 3, i have been shooting 10 ius at 5 am and 9 am,
    im also taking t4 25mcgs at night before bed,
    osteo bi flex for my joints
    animal pack vitamins
    cal mag
    light headaches n massive water retention. no joint pain yet..
    i feel a little tired, but getting in 2 workouts a day, ( (1) 30 mins weight workout and 30 mins cardio and (1) 30 moderate cross training workout)
    any suggestions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Are you saying you went up 11lbs in 3 days?

    I think your dose of T4 is a little low, are you sure you don't mean T3?

    How's your blood pressure with all that water retention?

    Good luck, looking forward to reading your log.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    you are only doing this HGH for 4 weeks???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Sun's Core
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    you are only doing this HGH for 4 weeks???
    I was wondering the same!

  5. #5

    20 iu a day?


    wtf would you do that?

    Why not do 4 iu for 20 weeks?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    i havent checked the blood pressure yet.. but i can feel it though
    i had a bad headache today,, took a nap and drank a lot of water felt better.. my workouts have been good, i have had some increased energy levels.. (for my second workout.. i did the eliptical for 1 hr and a half tonight on level 8 and im not tired yet) i think i might go back to gym in a couple of hours and do some more power cleans,,
    the reason im doing 4 weeks is i travel a lot for my job and cant bring the stuff with me.. but i might be able to squeeze 6 weeks out of it,,,
    is the t4 too low?? should i be taking anything else? anybody got any just kidding..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by garbone23 View Post
    Im on day 3 of my 4 week cycle of 20 iu's a day..
    i have chinese blue tops n ********** and a lot of it,
    my stats 6'0 215 lbs 30 years old, i used some winstrol , anavar, and hgh before...(2 years ago)
    i weigh 226 lbs on day 3, i have been shooting 10 ius at 5 am and 9 am,
    im also taking t4 25mcgs at night before bed,
    osteo bi flex for my joints
    animal pack vitamins
    cal mag
    light headaches n massive water retention. no joint pain yet..
    i feel a little tired, but getting in 2 workouts a day, ( (1) 30 mins weight workout and 30 mins cardio and (1) 30 moderate cross training workout)
    any suggestions

    i can smell the brain tumors from here,
    sorry but hgh in that high doses,your doing more harm than good....

  8. #8
    I agree......way too much

    I know BBs that only take 8-10ius a day and thats pushing the limit... and these guys are weighing close to 300lbs......might not want to be screwing with your hormone levels at those quantities

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    agreed, not something i would do. HGH takes a long time to work properly. upping the dose does not make it work faster. Your body will react as fast as it can.

    be careful...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by garbone23 View Post
    Im on day 3 of my 4 week cycle of 20 iu's a day..
    i have chinese blue tops n ********** and a lot of it,
    my stats 6'0 215 lbs 30 years old, i used some winstrol , anavar, and hgh before...(2 years ago)
    i weigh 226 lbs on day 3, i have been shooting 10 ius at 5 am and 9 am,
    im also taking t4 25mcgs at night before bed,
    osteo bi flex for my joints
    animal pack vitamins
    cal mag
    light headaches n massive water retention. no joint pain yet..
    i feel a little tired, but getting in 2 workouts a day, ( (1) 30 mins weight workout and 30 mins cardio and (1) 30 moderate cross training workout)
    any suggestions
    your a complete retard if this is in the least bit true... this is not a good cycle and should not be posted. alota noobs are gonna read crap like this and go out and try it cuz you say you gained all that weight in 3 days. anyone with an ounce of sense please disregard this novice attempt at a cycle and do more research b4 ever attempting anything like this.. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I am gonna have to agree with you guys. I'm lowering the dosage. I weighted 231 lbs today n my diet was strict as hell. I got this dosage from my bodybuilding friend in germany. He used jin and he weighs 260 lbs and I saw him shred up when he came off of it.. I'm dropping it down to 15 ius every other day like I did it in the past.. don't try this at home.. seriously

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by garbone23 View Post
    I am gonna have to agree with you guys. I'm lowering the dosage. I weighted 231 lbs today n my diet was strict as hell. I got this dosage from my bodybuilding friend in germany. He used jin and he weighs 260 lbs and I saw him shred up when he came off of it.. I'm dropping it down to 15 ius every other day like I did it in the past.. don't try this at home.. seriously

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    he just admitted it was a bad idea, no need for extra comments. This is now a good thread for noobs to read. More is not better, the only thing that gets accomplished faster is the body's inability to function properly.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    to much gh not enough t4--need to take 100-125mcg a day

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