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Thread: trouble with injecting at traps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    trouble with injecting at traps

    how can I self inject that part of muscles without causing any serious misappropriation. Someone told me to get a second party (or a nurse to do it for me) but I Can't trust anyone beside myself since my gear is not prescribe by a doctor. how did u inject your monster traps? lol

    Last edited by J431S; 06-14-2009 at 05:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Your best getting someone else to do it.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    I just inject them, same process as any other muscle, just a different location.

  4. #4
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    To me it is not as easy as injecting in quads because of its position. i guess u must have been standing in front of mirror while aiming at it without shaking, huh? give us your trick in detail. lol

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    I sit in a chair and relax, swab the area, if I'm shooting my left trap I reach up with my right hand, position the syringe straight up and down pin side down, and inject straight down into the peak of the trap. it may sound intimidating, but it's really an easy spot, no mirror needed.

  6. #6
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    Thanks Big, I can picture u doing that without any problem lol. I'll give it a try but here is my logic for wanting to shoot in my traps this time. I have got this hour-glass like pain in one of my traps and I figure if I can load both areas with testosterone oil I can mitigate the pain off with appropriate workout plan that target that specific muscle groups.The idea here is, off course, by increasing the amount there, I can in the longrun reduce it all. Your thoughts?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    I would not consider using steroid spot injection as a way of mitigating present pain, I would want to identify the cause of the pain and address the cause rather than the symptom. I'm kind of curious what an "hour-glass like pain" is. would that be the pain you experience if someone drops an hourglass from an unspecified height resulting in an unforseen impact into your trap, or is it more the pain that might be associated with someone breaking an hourglass, weilding it as an edged weapon, and plunging it downward into your trap?

  8. #8
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    Not exactly Big, u see the problem is it is a little bit difficult to describe this kind of pain. Even experience chiropractors seem to have doubts about my source of pain. But in effort to describe this kind of pain I'm going thru, u have to imagine your whole self like an hour-glass. Just picture yourself as an hour-glass for moment. The pain that I feel in my traps then becomes the ppoint where the first sand began to free fall; then it stops after the last sand fall. But once it is turn upside down every now and then or when I wake up from sleeps in the morning, it restarts all over again and again, are u with me here? I know this is sound a little dumb or too philosophical perhaps to describe it in such a way, but that's how I can best describe that small but recurring pain somewhere behind my neck.It is somewhere in the middle of my traps where the first sands begin to free-fall. I checked with chiro, she prescribed me some pills she said will help with my muscle sprained. The pills help. But eversince then she's had no idea when I still complain of that hourglass pain. So I thought, heck, let me be my own doctor for a minute after it is my life but I promise myself I will extra careful because it is my life in the line here. And I so rationalize that if I fill that hourglass with oil that free fall will come to rest, and so will my pain, Big. LOL

    Last edited by J431S; 06-15-2009 at 02:00 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    well if its that painful ... just pin elsewhere you have a whole body to poke

  10. #10
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    wtf are you talking about" hour glass pain" no wonder big has fvcked off.You are a retard legend.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    wtf are you talking about" hour glass pain" no wonder big has fvcked off.You are a retard legend.

  12. #12
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    Rarely am I speechless....but...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    Not exactly Big, u see the problem is it is a little bit difficult to describe this kind of pain. Even experience chiropractors seem to have doubts about my source of pain. But in effort to describe this kind of pain I'm going thru, u have to imagine your whole self like an hour-glass
    . Just picture yourself as an hour-glass for moment. The pain that I feel in my traps then becomes the ppoint where the first sand began to free fall; then it stops after the last sand fall. But once it is turn upside down every now and then or when I wake up from sleeps in the morning, it restarts all over again and again, are u with me here? I know this is sound a little dumb or too philosophical perhaps to describe it in such a way, but that's how I can best describe that small but recurring pain somewhere behind my neck.It is somewhere in the middle of my traps where the first sands begin to free-fall. I checked with chiro, she prescribed me some pills she said
    will help with my muscle sprained. The pills help. But eversince then she's had no idea when I still complain of that hourglass pain. So I thought, heck, let me be my own doctor for a minute after it is my life but I promise myself I will extra careful because it is my life in the line here. And I so rationalize that if I fill that hourglass with oil that free fall will come to rest, and so will my pain, Big. LOL

    This is the funnies stuff ever

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would not consider using steroid spot injection as a way of mitigating present pain, I would want to identify the cause of the pain and address the cause rather than the symptom. I'm kind of curious what an "hour-glass like pain" is. would that be the pain you experience if someone drops an hourglass from an unspecified height resulting in an unforseen impact into your trap, or is it more the pain that might be associated with
    someone breaking an hourglass, weilding it as an edged weapon, and plunging it downward into your trap?

    HaHaHaHa! i cant stop laughing about this thread...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    with all the other spots to hit why on earth would you want to do this?
    this always puzzles me. are you bored or something?

  16. #16
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    are you sure the pain is'nt a pinched nerve or something like that?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    with all the other spots to hit why on earth would you want to do this?
    this always puzzles me. are you bored or something?
    u call it "site injecting" and it does actually work well..... IF ..... u dont hav pain and u dont have to imagine u are a "hourglass" lol

  18. #18
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    Thanks Big, u tried to help though. I'm still moving on.

    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    u call it "site injecting" and it does actually work well..... IF ..... u dont hav pain and u dont have to imagine u are a "hourglass" lol
    Thanks Diablo, the hourglass thing is just a metaphor or an analogy to express the pain in a more explicitly way. That's all.

    Thanks Skinnykenedy, will take your words into account. lol

  19. #19
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    What about me?.No" thank you "for

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