what dose of anavar would you recommend when stacking with 600mg of test e? my supplier says 40 mg would be enough.
this is my first real cycle.
what dose of anavar would you recommend when stacking with 600mg of test e? my supplier says 40 mg would be enough.
this is my first real cycle.
40-60 would be fine but dont really need it first cycle
do you have anti-e's.
what are you doing for PCT
Last edited by Mafiusu; 06-27-2009 at 07:40 PM.
you could use var to bridge while you wait for the enanthate ester too clear ,its too mild as a kick start imo .
weeks 1-12 500mgs test e
weeks 8-14 60-80mgs var every day
this will give some nice resuts,better than useing it as a kick start.
40-80 is good I personally would stay in the higher end.
im taking winny the last 4 weeks b4 PCT.
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