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Thread: The reason for the Recession, Oklahoma Law makers reason anyways

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live

    The reason for the Recession, Oklahoma Law makers reason anyways

    WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion,
    pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and
    many other forms of debauchery; and

    WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking
    the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

    WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused
    to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of
    Prayer; and

    WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States
    disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    I concur whole heartedly.

  3. #3
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
    Join Date
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    Rain City, BC
    The recession is a calculated thing, it's naive to believe that the world banks and people who run this floating rock couldn't cause it. Same as all of the other ones. Then they make laws and do things to "help" (remove your rights and f*ck you) and people sign up for it, get on board.

    but nothing we can do bout it, so take steroids and get big and forget about it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by chode logan View Post
    the recession is a calculated thing, it's naive to believe that the world banks and people who run this floating rock couldn't cause it. Same as all of the other ones. Then they make laws and do things to "help" (remove your rights and f*ck you) and people sign up for it, get on board.

    But nothing we can do bout it, so take steroids and get big and forget about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post

    WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion,
    pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and
    many other forms of debauchery; and

    WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking
    the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

    WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused
    to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of
    Prayer; and

    WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States
    disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;
    Gawd... What an idiot... Clearly it's the Illuminati

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post

    WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion,
    pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and
    many other forms of debauchery; and

    WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking
    the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

    WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused
    to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of
    Prayer; and

    WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States
    disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    this is bullshit. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and several other founding fathers have been quoted as stating clearly that the united states was not founded on christian ideas. No where is abortion promoted. No where on a highway do you see a sign saying "ABORTION! GET ONE AND YOULL BE POPULAR!". No commercials advocating it. Youll notice that most athiest shake their head at religious fantatics and a religious zealot while almost everytime open fire on any opposing idea even though they have no foundation for a single belief they possess. I didnt vote for Obama but good for him for not observing some ridiculous day dedicated to offering up your hopes, dreams, thoughts and wishes inside your head sending them up into an empty sky, hoping someone will hear you. We are temporary, we humans. We have no destiny but what we make for ourselves.

    Only a ****ing moron would really believe an economic recession would be caused by any action labeled as evil by christian idealists. Abortion isnt the reason why my ****ing gas is so expensive. Sex is not why people have to steal food to feed the kids that they used to provide comfortably for with their standard job and are now seeking a second to make ends meet.

    Where is god in this? The great provider? He isnt. Its that simple.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 07-07-2009 at 08:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

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