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Thread: IGF LR3 Trauma Recovery

  1. #1
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    IGF LR3 Trauma Recovery

    If you've got a street bike, please be careful. On the 23rd of last month I got into a serious motorcycle accident. I spent 4 days in operation, broke both femurs, broke my right tib,fib, broke my jaw in 2 places, broke my right scapula, and fractured my spine in several places. I'm pretty well f*cked up right now boys. I can't walk at the moment, my lower right leg break was bad enough and I lost enough bone they did an entire metal replacement as well as both femurs although nothing really feels stable yet, it needs to really solidify. I'm healing quickly, much faster than expected according to the doctors. I speculate having some Test in my system had something to do with it, but whatever it is I'm thankful and want to get well as soon as possible. I didn't use anything for the hospital stay and I've just gotten home and began taking a therapeutic dose of 600mg Test and Deca a week to help with tissue healing and hopefully promote some joint comfort because I've got a serious recovery in front of me to make. At this point I think the most valuable thing I could take would be IGF1 LR3. I've used both it and growth in the past and I'm a believer in their capabilities and feel they can really help me heal faster and stronger. I can't afford GH at the moment but IGF is in the affordable range so I need some advice on how I should run it. I'm confined to a bed for the next few weeks still and want to get the most bang for my buck out of my dose until I can get back into the gym and really put it to use. What amount would be appropriate to help heal me? 50mcg ED? lower because I'm not active? Higher because I've got trauma and it's warranted? I don't' have enough experience to make this decision on my own so if you have an education or lot of experience with IGF you're opinions or theories are welcomed and appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Nobody out there feels they have anything to add? I'm planning on starting in the next few days at 50mcg if I get no responses. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    not cause anybody doesnt wants to help its just that not a lot of people know about extreme injury repair you're looking for with IFG. but ill bite. why are you running your test and deca at high doses?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    not cause anybody doesnt wants to help its just that not a lot of people know about extreme injury repair you're looking for with IFG. but ill bite. why are you running your test and deca at high doses?
    600/wk of either of those isn't a high dose for me especially since I'm not taking anything else with them. I could probably afford to drop the dose some but I'm comfortable with my anabolics in that range. I'm aware not many people are familiar with using IGF in this manner but I was hoping I could still get some direction or good incsite from someone more experienced with it than myself, if not, I'll be the guinea pig.

  5. #5
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    im a believer in site injection. for the 1st 3x's i ran LR3 i always shot in the shoulders. i can stay out of the gym for months and my shoulders are always prominent. its been years since i first ran it but i think my first cycle was 80mcg pwo and 40 on days off. then the second and third were 100mcg ed. now this last cycle(2 or 3wks ago ive been running it 150mcg pwo only. i may bump it up to 200mcg pwo. i dont know, its early and i just woke up without coffee. peace, hope that helps. prolly not though

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    im a believer in site injection. for the 1st 3x's i ran LR3 i always shot in the shoulders. i can stay out of the gym for months and my shoulders are always prominent. its been years since i first ran it but i think my first cycle was 80mcg pwo and 40 on days off. then the second and third were 100mcg ed. now this last cycle(2 or 3wks ago ive been running it 150mcg pwo only. i may bump it up to 200mcg pwo. i dont know, its early and i just woke up without coffee. peace, hope that helps. prolly not though
    Yeah it's helpful. I ran IGF similar myself so what would you do for the first few weeks you couldn't work out? I was thinking 50mcg ED till I can get back in the gym and do 100mcg/pwo. These are just shots in the dark no real rhyme or reason because I can't find one so let me know what you think. Thanks.

  7. #7
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    ive recently read somewhere about a study done on mice or rats or whatever. they put a cast(for no movement) on a healthly leg of a rat or mouse and injected it with IGF for a couple wks(dont know if it was LR3). and the IGF preserved a good % of muscle mass with the IGF injections.

    if it were me in your situation i would be taking 150-200mcg of LR3 while you cant lift(4-5wks) in hopes to prevent muscle hypotrophy then take a couple wks off and start back at 100mcg or so.

    this is what i "remember" from the study. you get the idea. sorry couldnt help you earlier but i had just woke up and hadnt had my coffee.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    ive recently read somewhere about a study done on mice or rats or whatever. they put a cast(for no movement) on a healthly leg of a rat or mouse and injected it with IGF for a couple wks(dont know if it was LR3). and the IGF preserved a good % of muscle mass with the IGF injections.

    if it were me in your situation i would be taking 150-200mcg of LR3 while you cant lift(4-5wks) in hopes to prevent muscle hypotrophy then take a couple wks off and start back at 100mcg or so.

    this is what i "remember" from the study. you get the idea. sorry couldnt help you earlier but i had just woke up and hadnt had my coffee.
    No problem man I appreciate the input. So I should consider bumping the dose substantially. I think I'm going to site inject my legs, obviously, and use 100mcg a day to start with because I'm not sure I can afford more but I'm going to look into ordering more and using a higher dosage. Thanks bro.

  9. #9
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    no prob

  10. #10
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    So if I do 100mcg a day, should I split it into IM quad injections into each broken leg? so 50/50? That seems to make the most sense.. should I inject ED or EOD or does it make a difference?

  11. #11
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    i would inject ED 50mcg bilaterally. like i said above i believe in the site injection with LR3.

  12. #12
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    Alright so I've got my IGF protocol all figured out and I want to add GHRP-6 and CJC 1295 to increase my systemic GH levels to help heal my entire body. I've been researching and it seems that 100mcg of each 3-4 times a day is a pretty standard dose. I read about something else that when taken with CJC 1295 it dramatically increases it's effectiveness, some oral. Now as you can see I'm a long time member and I've been researching but this is a whole new are to me and I'm needing to get answers quickly as my injuries are quite severe and from my understanding the sooner I start treating them the better they will heal. If someone could give me a run down on how to take this correctly and if these 2 particular compounds are best together I'd really appreciate the help. I need to get this going, if you're anything like me you never imagined not walking an it's eating me up so anything you can add is appreciated. Thanks.

  13. #13
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    Honestly I dont think any of those peptides are going to speed recovery or retain muscle. you will have muscle memory for when you get back to the gym and i think your money would be better spent then on test and gh then.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Honestly I dont think any of those peptides are going to speed recovery or retain muscle. you will have muscle memory for when you get back to the gym and i think your money would be better spent then on test and gh then.
    I appreciate your insite but you don't understand the severity of my injuries or the amount of recovery that is needed. I understand there is no promise but when it comes to your legs and walking money isn't really a factor. I just want to know the best way to run these so I can at least give it a chance. A very good friend of mine is doing it with me and as of right now he has little hope of walking so I'm going to do this the BEST I CAN if someone can help me find out what that is I'd be very grateful. I'm determined to do this and I will continue to study but if someone can help speed me along so I can order what I need now it would be a great help. I plan on running GH in the very near future as well but I want to get these on board now before I can afford it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH View Post
    I appreciate your insite but you don't understand the severity of my injuries or the amount of recovery that is needed. I understand there is no promise but when it comes to your legs and walking money isn't really a factor. I just want to know the best way to run these so I can at least give it a chance. A very good friend of mine is doing it with me and as of right now he has little hope of walking so I'm going to do this the BEST I CAN if someone can help me find out what that is I'd be very grateful. I'm determined to do this and I will continue to study but if someone can help speed me along so I can order what I need now it would be a great help. I plan on running GH in the very near future as well but I want to get these on board now before I can afford it.
    I read your first post and realize you are in really rough shape. Im just saying there is no magical pill/shot you can take to cut recovery in half. youre body is and will heal up. If you are already taking test and deca that should help retain some muscle and i cant really see anything outside AAS, aside from gh helping much in this case. But this is for muscle retention purposes, not so much as a healing aid. You are young and will heal fast and having loads of extra gh in your system isnt going to help heal broken bones faster for example.

    I know thats not what you want to hear and these injuires will test your mind (keeping head up and thinking long term for comeback) and body. Im just saying that since they wont help much, or in the case of the research peptides, probably not at all. to just save your money for proper things when back in the gym.

    You already are taking test and deca so you just need rest and time. my 2 cents..

  16. #16
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    Your screename is 100% NATURAL by the way, why so much talk of drugs anyway?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Your screename is 100% NATURAL by the way, why so much talk of drugs anyway?
    Lol. I created this a long long time ago when I first heard rumors of GH. I thought GH was the most amazing thing ever from what I had read, not that it isn't, and thought it was an ironic name. What can I say, kids! lol. I hear you on saving some money I want to use the IGF LR3 still but I wll skip using the other GH inducing peptides and put that money aside for GH. I was hoping it would help my bones heal stronger and much faster, I'm a mixed martial artist and they are saying this is a career ending accident but I'm just not giving in to that. Whatever I can take, do, try in hopes of improving myself I don't care, I will. I wish I could stop thinking and obsessing over it but I just want to know, it's my dream and I can't see it being taken from me. Thanks for your help.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Your screename is 100% NATURAL by the way, why so much talk of drugs anyway?
    Hey bro I've always respected your threads we've both been here for a little while so I know you're very knowledgeable so don't take this wrong, but I just don't get why everyone says there's no way to heal myself faster. There is, there has to be. Doesn't GH make you heal around 7 times faster than usual? I remember reading that but I'm not going to be able to link to it and I've also used it first hand to repair a very injured shoulder. I'm just saying I think if you guys were laying in this bed next to me, not able to walk, all ****ed up, you wouldn't care what ANYONE says about it NOT happening and you'd really appreciate those that have positive things to say and direction to give. It's the only thing I have to do so don't worry if you think it might fail, I'm not worried about failing, I'm worried about not trying hard enough and that's the only thing that I can really control so if anyone has ideas, theories, or has read or heard anything that could possibly benefit me I appreciate it more than you know. If I can't get well, 100%, I'm going to loose my life's dream, and I don't think anybody here is willing to give that up without a fight no matter what anyone else tells them. I have no limits or expectation only ambition and hope and I appreciate anyone that has anything to give.


  19. #19
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    dude you've got a good attitude. ive kinda been where you are now. i took shrapnel in my right forearm that took my radial artery, 2 tendons for my thumb, knocked a golf ball size hole in one side and out the other(lost lots of meat). and i couldnt feel my entire forearm to hand below the injury. now ive healed up nice. i lost 90% of the feeling on the top of my hand(permanent) but have bout 70% of feeling on the bottom(palm fingers). it will take time. i remember holding the wound vac on my shoulder with my good arm and doing squats in the hospital everyday for wks. when i got out i couldnt even hold a gallon of milk without dropping it. so i had to start doing curls with 10lbs and start back from the beginning and would drop them cause i couldnt feel my grip giving out. long story short. i didnt quit and got in better shape than i was before the injury in 6months. i wish i would have know about LR3 back then cause i personally think it would have helped. but IFG DOES prevent muscle wasting!!!! good luck man and keep the good attitude, it the most important part of the healing process.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    dude you've got a good attitude. ive kinda been where you are now. i took shrapnel in my right forearm that took my radial artery, 2 tendons for my thumb, knocked a golf ball size hole in one side and out the other(lost lots of meat). and i couldnt feel my entire forearm to hand below the injury. now ive healed up nice. i lost 90% of the feeling on the top of my hand(permanent) but have bout 70% of feeling on the bottom(palm fingers). it will take time. i remember holding the wound vac on my shoulder with my good arm and doing squats in the hospital everyday for wks. when i got out i couldnt even hold a gallon of milk without dropping it. so i had to start doing curls with 10lbs and start back from the beginning and would drop them cause i couldnt feel my grip giving out. long story short. i didnt quit and got in better shape than i was before the injury in 6months. i wish i would have know about LR3 back then cause i personally think it would have helped. but IFG DOES prevent muscle wasting!!!! good luck man and keep the good attitude, it the most important part of the healing process.
    Wow so you've been through some shit too so you know how frustrating it can be. I really appreciate the positivity and encouragement. I have no intention of giving up or ever letting up and I just want people that can relate to tell me what they know and have learned. You're story is encouraging and I'll keep pushing just like you did and my legs are going to be stronger than they ever have been before, I've decided this, and I'm going to make it happen. Thanks again.

  21. #21
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    keep on keeping on brother!!! life's a garden, dig it!!!!!!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    keep on keeping on brother!!! life's a garden, dig it!!!!!!!!
    Lol. I like that. You're an alright dude by me!

  23. #23
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    its from Joe Dirt

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    its from Joe Dirt
    Never seen it, but I'm gonna use it.

  25. #25
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    So I've been taking Cissus for the last week and my pain has dropped substantially, placebo, natural healing, whatever it is, somethings working. I take in good amounts of glutamine just to help my muscles recover on a daily basis because all this wheelin around get's me exhausted and even though I don't use them my legs that much they end up sore so it's helping. I've been taking lots of my EFAs (Udos oil?) to help with just about everything. Dessicated beef liver several times a day, IGF @ 100mcg daily, not bilaterally but one leg one day the other the next. I'm making good progress but I need to heal faster if possible and more than that I need to heal extremely strong. I'll begin using 8IU GH ed, am/pm slit, in the near future and I hope that with everything I'm doing I'll get the blessing I'm praying for. Wish me luck and if you see any problems or want to add anything feel free. Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read this, I never realized what this kind of trauma really does to you're life but I'll never forget and some day I hope I can ease the suffering of others in the same situation from what I learn here. Thanks again.

  26. #26
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    been on GH for 1.5months and ive been pushing it and im at 6iu. make sure you walk your way up or you'll be even worse off then you are now.

  27. #27
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    Do you mean sides? I've started at 10 a day and yeah I got sides but I didn't really care. Unless there's a reason it's actually really dangerous I'm jumping in head first and getting started, no offense. Also it's been just a few days over a month at this point since the accident so I'm progressing well and I've healed a lot as far as tissue goes, but the bones are what need the help and I think the sooner the better. It comes 8IU per vial so it would making dosing easy and make sure it's potent having only been reconstituted for less that 24 hours. I dunno, it's just what I picked and I get stuck on it, lol. Thanks bro and let me know if there's anything I need to watch for. Thanks.

  28. #28
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    how long have you been on the 10iu gh. cause at that dose your hands are prolly gonna swell and end up with achy sausage fingers that cant make a fist. and since you're relying on your hand now more than ever i would take care of them.

  29. #29
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    Lol. Yeah my fingers did turn to sausage. 10IU was my high point I was running 5-6 for a while I just want this to kick in fast and get to action so I'm not worried about my hands being swollen. As it is the skin between my thumb and index finger ripped about a half inch on impact from holding onto the handle bars and they're both severely sprained so they're messed up anyhow, I just want my bones to reconnect and get back to normal so unless it's gonna kill me I'll deal with the sides. I'm not a fan of looking like I got stung by a bee but a few months of water retention isn't gonna kill me if this didn't!

  30. #30
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    You've got a real positive outlook on your situation which is very important.

    I have kidney failure and have to hook up to a machine for 7 hours a night, 5 days a week just to live. Back in February, because of my kidney failure, I ruptured my tricep tendon at the elbow. A week later I ruptured my quad tendon at the knee.

    I was told it would take about 18 months to fully heal. It's been 6 months and I've been back in the gym for 2 months now. A few weeks ago I started doing leg presses on the machine with just the weight of the machine. It's getting better everyday. I lost 30lbs while I was out of the gym and I've gained about 15lbs back now.

    Two weeks ago I started cjc1295 = GHRP-6. It has made me feel better than I have in a long time. It's really helping me get my weight back. I'm also taking cissus and fish oil along with glucosamine, chondroitin and msm.

    Anyways, I just wanted to chime in with some support for you buddy. Keep your outlook positive and try not to rush things. It sucks being out of the gym but you'll be back at it one day.

    Take care man.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    You've got a real positive outlook on your situation which is very important.

    I have kidney failure and have to hook up to a machine for 7 hours a night, 5 days a week just to live. Back in February, because of my kidney failure, I ruptured my tricep tendon at the elbow. A week later I ruptured my quad tendon at the knee.

    I was told it would take about 18 months to fully heal. It's been 6 months and I've been back in the gym for 2 months now. A few weeks ago I started doing leg presses on the machine with just the weight of the machine. It's getting better everyday. I lost 30lbs while I was out of the gym and I've gained about 15lbs back now.

    Two weeks ago I started cjc1295 = GHRP-6. It has made me feel better than I have in a long time. It's really helping me get my weight back. I'm also taking cissus and fish oil along with glucosamine, chondroitin and msm.

    Anyways, I just wanted to chime in with some support for you buddy. Keep your outlook positive and try not to rush things. It sucks being out of the gym but you'll be back at it one day.

    Take care man.
    I'm really sorry to hear about you're kidney bro. That's pretty serious and I hope you get a new one soon or whatever treatment might get you healthy again. I don't understand the correlation between the injuries and the kidney failure but they're pretty serious on any account and it really does get you down to fight so hard and then get pushed back down to start all over again. Kind of like that shoots and ladders game if you ever played it as a kid.. haha.. i hated that shit! I'm taking the same supps as you and they seem to help although I'd switch from the fish oil and buy Udos Oil as its a blend of all your EFAs and seems to work better for me. I think taking some Deca, if you're able, should help out your joints. Thanks for the support and I'll keep you in my prayers. Get healthy and strong and prove em all wrong, that's all I gotta say about it! Good luck my friend.

  32. #32
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    Thanks bro.

    The tendons tore because my paratyroid glands were being hyperactive due to my kidney failure. They caused my body to pull calcium out of my bone, which weakened them. Then during some BJJ training with a buddy of mine my tricep tendon just let go. I had the surgery to fix it, then a week later I was leaving my house to go to the hospital and slipped and fell. Since I just had surgery on my arm I tried to protect my arm during the fall and ended up taking the fall on one knee, dislocating my kneecap and tearing off my quad tendon. Pretty shitty week. In april I had my parathyroid glands removed so it won't leach calcium from my bones anymore.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery and come back stronger than you were before. Take care.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCannon View Post
    Thanks bro.

    The tendons tore because my paratyroid glands were being hyperactive due to my kidney failure. They caused my body to pull calcium out of my bone, which weakened them. Then during some BJJ training with a buddy of mine my tricep tendon just let go. I had the surgery to fix it, then a week later I was leaving my house to go to the hospital and slipped and fell. Since I just had surgery on my arm I tried to protect my arm during the fall and ended up taking the fall on one knee, dislocating my kneecap and tearing off my quad tendon. Pretty shitty week. In april I had my parathyroid glands removed so it won't leach calcium from my bones anymore.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery and come back stronger than you were before. Take care.
    Wow. I'm really sorry to hear that. It doesn't seem fair, at least I was doing something stupid when it happened and not just a victim of circumstance. Are they going to be able to fix your kidney or whatever else they need to do to get you back to tip top shape? I hope you make a full recovery and I'm right there in the same boat with ya so stay strong man, we'll be just fine!

  34. #34
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    Anybody got recommendations from personal experience for takin GH IGF and GHRP6 together? Thyroid?

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