Just getting ready for a show 5 weeks out atm.Im running in on a keto diet(high fat/high protein/low carbs)im 220pounds atm and 5'9
Im running a bit of gear into the show.Im also using peptides for the first time im using cjc1295(400mcgs X 2 a week) and ghrp-6(300 mcgs split into 2 dosages 5 days a week)
Im getting some igf-1lr3 and im going to run it for the next 4 weeks so i will stop a week out from comp.
The main question is in with the igf-1lr3 will it affect me differenty because im on keto diet.With the sugar lows has any1 had any nasty experinces on keto with this.
Also ive read alot of info on dosages with igf-1lr3.Any vets want to chime in with a good beginner dose to start off with for 4 weeks.Dont really want to over do it bit afraid of intestines spilling over want to keep a nice waste line