I worked out about a week ago and I hate to admit it but I worked out too hard. I was benching my max, using dumbells to work my shoulders and inclined too much and caused pain and numbness in my left arm, shoulder and tricep. I didn't curl too much because my biceps were already broken down and I could only curl half of what I usually do. I went in to see my back doctor for my weekly back & spinal cord check up and him being a 18 year weight trainer, he told me it could be scar tissue and told me not to work out for a week or two. I might indeed have scar tissue, my arm is still sore after 5 days I'd say and there have been spasms. Will my arms ever be the same? Also, will I be able to lift and take my deca, d-bol, test en cycle next month without any negative effects? My arms aren't that big yet and my muscles are pretty small at the moment. Bet regards