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Thread: Need some help.

  1. #1

    Need some help.

    Hey all.

    Unfortunately i keep reading to many different things about getting steroids , getting ripped and diets where i dont know whats true or not. I am 25 years old 6 feet tall and around 85kg. Most of my weight is concentrated on the stomach area and going around .. which annoys me! I have done steroids before and what i used was Dianabol 50 , Testoterone suspension and Deca durabol (not sure for the last one) A freind of mine with years of experience got me these and told me how my cycles should be and i did it fine ..BUT!!! what i didnt do fine was my diet! i dont remember what i was eatting then but i gained 11kg's in just 1 month and by the end of the cycle i gained another 8 kg's. So ever since i have been struggling to get rid of that fat and its just not going away . Thats only because i dont have a proper diet.
    So i made the big choice again a few months ago and took the gym seriously and i feel ready again and dedicated to follow a proper diet this time and getting the right steroids for this purpose.

    What steroids are best to get a decent amount of mass but mostly ripped ? What kinda reps should i be doing in the gym? .Most importantly i would like to know which steroids and how my diet should be ? what should i be eatting ? chicken breastes ? tunas? alot of green stuff? fried or not fried ?

    I will appreciate any kind of response to this that will help. I am complelely lost in this matter and got no help whatsoever.

    Thank in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Welcome to the board.

    First and most important you need to get your diet right, without the correct diet steroids are pointless, as you've already found.

    When cutting and bulking its not the steroids that are key, its your diet, as the same steroids can be used for both..

    I would suggest to go down to the diet forum and post your current diet and read all the stickies.

    Once you have a solid diet then come back and we can look at which steroids may be of use to you...

  3. #3
    Thanks alot.

    Dont have a current diet but i guess ill find something there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    I am sorry , but you are over the limit for questions in one post .

    This is my best answer --> trainhardeatgoodcardiopatience .

    Good luck ,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I find that diet is everything.

    That goes for everybody.

    Cardio is the most important thing.

    It determines , basically, how long you will actually live.

    If cancer and hereditary diseases are left out.

    Marcus is right , as usual, about posting your diet.

    Also, It would be great if you had your blood work done.

    That would show up any potential problems.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Your diet makes you who and what you are.... Steroids just help you get past your limit. Without a proper diet you will grow to a minimum.

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