I like to sike myself out I suppose. Today would roughly mark 30 days actually the 26 since there is 31 days July. I'm doing 250mg (1cc) every 3.5 days Monday and Thursday. I stop dbol at week 3 and that went pretty good I thought. (Tasty little kritters too) In any event today in injection day and it just feels like my heart is beating hard and I feel a bit anxious. My emotions seem fine horny as hell but doing great I feel fine emotionally. Physically I can see some results, yesterday though I had a case of the squirts on the good ol toilet. (could be due to the 2 concerts I went to this weekend back to back. so my diet went to shit for 2 days on a concert drinking binge a little) I guess the question is should I inject I'm 4 weeks in and this is my first Cycle. I just don't feel I guess like me anymore it's not a bad feeling except my heart feeling like its beating hard not nessarely fast just a bit harder than usual, maybe a little bit nauseous, but I don't know if thats because my upset stomach and dierea. Though today everything is pretty solid a little greener than normal but I'm not scared to fart. I know it may sound a bit funny but should I continue on at 500mg a week or should I lower the dosage or maybe just stop all together though I really don't want that so.. Let me know folks.
Oh yeah one other thing I went swimming today felt fine. I typically find myself feeling fine when I'm working out. I guess it the inbetween times when I'm idle.. Like at work I get the most anxious.