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Thread: AAS and Wellbutrin

  1. #1

    AAS and Wellbutrin

    I'm planning on doing a winter bulking cycle starting in Nov, 14 weeks of Test Cyp and Deca 450/450mg a week. This will be my 4th cycle. Stats:

    15% bf

    I'm wondering if there is any interactions with AAS and the antidepressant Wellbutrin, I was recently prescribed it by my VA Dr for ADHD and excessive anger. I know what you're thinking, and no I don't get more angry on AAS I actually usually get more calm. I was reading that there might be some interactions with "steroids" but everything I have read has declined to mention what kind of steroids have interactions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    im guessing you should be fine. you wont die, its the mental part that might or might not be a problem. i would say stay away from using thyroid meds or what not. As these hormones DO play a role in manic phases .

  3. #3
    cool I don't even want to take the shit but I promised my Doc that I would

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    usually those work on a different part of the body than AD's

  5. #5
    when you go into PCT, some people can get a little moody and clomid makes it even worse for some. may not be an issue for you but something to look out for.

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