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Thread: Metabolism?

  1. #1


    I have recently just finished a course of test dbol'.

    I have noticed since coming off them that my metabolism seems to have changed.

    I appear to be losing and gaining weight a lot quicker that I did before I started my course.

    I seem to be altering every 4 days since I finished my course.
    Where as before a weight change would take place a lot longer.

    Has this happened to anybody else?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    anyone else have anything like this happen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Well - in theory it's due to the rapid gain you've made. (Length of cycle, dose? Please include). Also - keep in mind Test E and DBol retain A LOT of water - therefor post-cycle your body will lose that.

    Also - it's not your metabolism that is speeding up - it's the rapid gain that your body isn't used to - also your natural test production is still recouping (I'm guessing your in PCT now?) so your 'new' gains need to catch up once that is fully back.

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