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Thread: Need advice on hgh dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Need advice on hgh dose

    hi all
    i have access to scitropin 5mg in 1.5ml vials. they are already pre made and i have been prescribed 0.5mg every evening.
    is this going to do anything? i have a friend who says i need to use much more than this to get any thing out of it.
    the other issue is that each vial is $250
    any advice welcome.

  2. #2
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Age and goals?

  3. #3
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    Aug 2009
    hi klimax
    i am 42yrs, 177cm, 105k with about 28% body fat. so, i obviously need to lose som body fat. i have been training on and off for 20yrs.
    i would like to build muscle but obviously strip down some fat.
    what im not sure of is the dose my dr has me on? 0.5mg every evening. at this dose, the vial lasts me 10 days and at $250 makes it expensive.
    what i need to know is,
    the dose i should be taking, btw, (how many iu's per mg)
    do you know the cheapest place to purchase scitropin
    and are there other options for hgh in australia other than scitropin

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    That equals somewhere around 1.5 iu's every nite. At your age may do something but not much, kind of a replacement dosage. I would try to run 3-4ius minimum broken up into twice daily injects.

    1mg equals approx. 3 iu.s, so each vial has 15iu's.

    Thats a TON of money for 15iu's of GH.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    do you know for hgh how much iu is 1 mg equal to?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanL View Post
    do you know for hgh how much iu is 1 mg equal to?
    BG just wrote in the post above yours 1mg = approx.3iu's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    thanks guys for your responses
    i know thats a lot of $$ for the scitropin but i dont know any other HGH that i can get in australia. and were or who is the cheapest place to buy it?
    what would be an avg price for hgh

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anzac View Post
    thanks guys for your responses
    i know thats a lot of $$ for the scitropin but i dont know any other HGH that i can get in australia. and were or who is the cheapest place to buy it?
    what would be an avg price for hgh
    Most wont send it to you, you have the toughest customs. You maybe stuck, Ive seen your guys gear price list and you pay 2-3 times more. 2-3 ius with a good diet you will see a difference but honestly Im not sure if its cost effective.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    That equals somewhere around 1.5 iu's every nite. At your age may do something but not much, kind of a replacement dosage. I would try to run 3-4ius minimum broken up into twice daily injects.

    1mg equals approx. 3 iu.s, so each vial has 15iu's.

    Thats a TON of money for 15iu's of GH.
    hey BG
    ive found myself some GH a little cheeper.
    will give 3-4 ius a go but what times of the day would you suggest injecting?
    would a 5 days on 2 off be beneficial or everyday?
    also, should i cycle it for ? month? 3mths? how long
    thanks in advance

  10. #10
    I am aussie to Anzac and all I have access to is... scitropin!

    How did it go for you?

  11. #11
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    hi messmorph
    im just about to start it.
    i did notice a change in bodyfat distribution and a small muscle size increase on the orriginal dose of 1.5 iu's every nite.
    how much are you paying for yours? where you geting it and what state are you in?

  12. #12
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    anzac, you can't discuss prices or discuss sources on the general board. There are good sources for a reasonable price. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by anzac View Post
    hi messmorph
    im just about to start it.
    i did notice a change in bodyfat distribution and a small muscle size increase on the orriginal dose of 1.5 iu's every nite.
    how much are you paying for yours? where you geting it and what state are you in?
    Yeah mate I am in WA. Be good to compare so we dont get ripped but forums rules say we cant. Umm so I dont know how to contact each other off here... can you PM?

  14. #14
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    a few more posts and anzac should be able to PM.

  15. #15
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    Dec 2012
    I am a little stuck, I have a vial of scitropin 5mg 1.5ml. My doctor tells me it has approx 3.5 weeks worth based on 2 units a day but from all the research I have done online this does not seem correct.
    I use 4 clicks on the pen he gave me. Can someone please confirm what dose I am taking?

  16. #16
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanL
    do you know for hgh how much iu is 1 mg equal to?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    hi guys
    the 5ius had pretty average to minimal affects.
    couldnt afford to increase the dose as the price is astronomical and i cant find a cheaper supplier.
    have been using peptides. cjc. slow to get affect but worked ok (as well as the scitropin) for a few months then platued.
    am taking a break from it although it shouldnt need to be cycled.
    will let you know how the next cycle goes
    anyone have good experiences with the peptides?

  18. #18
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    Do you get you scitopin from a pharmacy or elsewhere. its definelty a n exspensive process in australia. i was lookining into buying online but have been advised against it, would you agree?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarmc1 View Post
    Do you get you scitopin from a pharmacy or elsewhere. its definelty a n exspensive process in australia. i was lookining into buying online but have been advised against it, would you agree?
    yeah from a compounding pharmacy. i have had friends who have tried bringing it in but unless you have an authorisation letter from your Dr and or the gvt, then forget it

  20. #20
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    what is a compounding pharmacy?
    my doctor gives me 1 vial at a time but wont actually give me the script. do i still need a script to get from compounding pharmacy as im getting ripped off like crazy at the moment

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by anzac View Post
    hi guys
    the 5ius had pretty average to minimal affects.
    couldnt afford to increase the dose as the price is astronomical and i cant find a cheaper supplier.
    have been using peptides. cjc. slow to get affect but worked ok (as well as the scitropin) for a few months then platued.
    am taking a break from it although it shouldnt need to be cycled.
    will let you know how the next cycle goes
    anyone have good experiences with the peptides?
    how long have you been taking the hgh ?
    are you absolutely sure of its authenticity ?

  22. #22
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    I would like to think so for what it's costing me. Also I ha e noticed my teeth and gums are tender not bleeding just more sensitive is this normal? In going for a check up this Wednesday as It will be 2 weeks I've been on it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by anzac View Post
    yeah from a compounding pharmacy. i have had friends who have tried bringing it in but unless you have an authorisation letter from your Dr and or the gvt, then forget it
    whats a compunding pharmacy?

  24. #24
    A compounding pharmacy is one that creates (compounds) a pharmacutical product unique to the needs of the individual. Usually done in hospitals but there are a number of specialist pharmacies in Australia that have facilities to "concoct their own brews".

    Scitropin A is the most common HGH prescribed in Australia and it's expensive compared to other countries.

    The chances of not getting the "real deal" from a doctor in Australia is next to zero. The fact that a doctor doesn't give you a script and instead prescribes directly might be because they are prescribing it "off label" and in Australia that's somewhat of a risky business for a doctor. But the profits are high so you will find doctors who presribe without really diagnosing you properly.

    Really, HGH is used for children's growth disorders and adult growth hormone deficiency.

    Diagnosis of GH deficiency is a bit of a process. Previously in Australia, testing IGF-1 and other levels was common but now you really need to do a GH stimulation test. There's various ways to do it; a glucagon tollerance or insulin tollerance test is one, but an argenine test is most common (and safer). The test is to see if the patient's pituitary gland will release a pulse of GH when provoked by argenine. Blood samples are taken every 30 minutes over a few hours.

    If the pituitary doesn't release much GH then you might be a candidate for getting a GH script.

  25. #25
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anzac
    hi all
    i have access to scitropin 5mg in 1.5ml vials. they are already pre made and i have been prescribed 0.5mg every evening.
    is this going to do anything? i have a friend who says i need to use much more than this to get any thing out of it.
    the other issue is that each vial is $250
    any advice welcome.
    That dose seems like a waste of money. That's under 1.5ius of gh

  26. #26
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project

    That dose seems like a waste of money. That's under 1.5ius of gh
    I personally use 30-40ius a week and don't know if I really see a huge benefit.... Hgh is something that works because it keeps working..,,, you get very little gains each month but month after month the gains continue..... That being said until you get to doses of 60-100ius a week there isn't huge benefits outside of a little well being and improved sleep...

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Wow tnx guys!! Bump

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