I have a quick question. I've had some problems with my sciatic nerve twice in the past. I just finished an 8-week cycle running 500mg Testoviron and 400mg Primo per week.
In the last three weeks of the cycle I had to cut way back on cardio because my sciatic nerve became inflamed again. Once it starts, any exercise involving my right glute made it worse. Even 30 minutes on a bike meant I was limping the next day.
Anyway, my question is this: Could there by some excessive site growth in my right glute that's causing this problem? 75% of the injections were into that muscle. I wasn't able to get all of the gear into a single syringe, so four ccs went into it each week (500mg test, 200mg primo) and only two went into my left glute (200mg primo). Is it possible that my sciatic nerve is
There's nothing I can do about it now except stay off of it until it heals, but it would be good to know if I need to vary sites more in the future or if I might want to avoid that glute altogether because of it's tendency to become inflamed. Thanks for any advice!