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Thread: best combo cycle with NO HAIRLOSS?

  1. #1

    Unhappy best combo cycle with NO HAIRLOSS?

    Hi all,
    I've read that cycles consisting of primo/deca with anavar are quite safe as far as hair loss is concerned. However, I've read also that almost ANY cycle has to have some testosterone in order for the body to function properly. Now I'm confused since if for example used deca + test + var then took 5AR blockers such as Proscar/Propecia to stop the test's negative effect on my hair this will eventually result in hair loss because of the Deca...

    See what I mean?


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdee100 View Post
    add me mario125 to windowslive messenger i may be able to help
    Thanks I will BUT,
    I believe other people might be concerned about the same issue so why not post here as well for the benefit of everyone?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Test with a 5-AR blocker
    No Deca / 5-AR blocker combo
    Anavar and T-Bol

    According to many, you will still lose hair even with the 5-AR, but MUCH less than w/o. There are some that are prone to MPB that claim no hairloss w/ 5-AR, others say the 5-AR don't do anything.

    Var and T-Bol are very safe but very mild. Search around the site, there are plenty of posts on hair-safe anabolics.

  6. #6
    BTW, the only place I read primo is hair-friendly is in that article. Not saying it's wrong, but it doesn't come up too frequently.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    You could always try to run some dutasteride for the hairloss.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by thane222 View Post
    You could always try to run some dutasteride for the hairloss.
    Correct, Dutasteride and Finestride (sp?) are the two 5-AR blockers you have available. Some people also like Minox (Rogain) but you will have to run something or you will lose a lot of hair.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Test with a 5-AR blocker
    No Deca / 5-AR blocker combo
    Anavar and T-Bol

    According to many, you will still lose hair even with the 5-AR, but MUCH less than w/o. There are some that are prone to MPB that claim no hairloss w/ 5-AR, others say the 5-AR don't do anything.

    Var and T-Bol are very safe but very mild. Search around the site, there are plenty of posts on hair-safe anabolics.
    So test + var + 5-AR blocker is a safe combo?

    If yes, can someone please suggest a cycle and dosage?

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by lock123 View Post
    So test + var + 5-AR blocker is a safe combo?

    If yes, can someone please suggest a cycle and dosage?
    Safe as in you won't lose hair? Probably not.

    Safe as in you will lose some hair BUT it's worth it for the gains in strength? Yes.

    You will lose the least amount of hair on Anavar only...but you will also sacrifice gains as it is a mild steroid. Test + 5-AR is pretty good. You'll lose a little hair but get great gains. Of course, everyone is different so I can't be specific on what you'd lose.

    Do some more research on here to get a better feel for hairloss on AR. I've found for most people, it's a no-brainer. Hairloss won't be too bad if you stay on top of it. Also, if you're real worried, get some Rogain.

    As for doses, you're gonna have to post some stats. Remember, you should'nt be touching gear until you have a lot of training under your belt, have low BF and are at least 25. You might want to open a different thread...ask for doses with your stats, and be sure to mention you're prone to MPB.

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