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Thread: A couple of questions, please help

  1. #1

    A couple of questions, please help

    1) Does anybody know anything about Iran or Pakistan made steroids?? Any experience with them?

    2) Mainly I'd like to have access to Nolvadex and Winstrol, any suggestions on where online I could get it?

    3) This is the cycle I'm thinking of staring soon, what are your opinions on it? What do you all think about pyramids? Tapering off at the end of the cycle, I mean does it make a difference in helping your body start it's own testosterone production or not?

    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 7 days 3 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 5 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 3 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 5 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 7 days 3 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 10 days 5 times

    That would make a total of 15 - 250mg viles which would work out well for me.

    A week or 2 later I though of staring clomid therapy as suggested on this website, but does anybody think the clomid therapy should start during the cycle?

    I want to stack Deca in with the Testasterone, any suggestions on what dosages to use?

    Lastly, how important is it to use Nolvadex with this cycle, and how much should I take?

    Thanks a lot, obviously I'm deployed right now and now that winter time is about to kick in I'll be able to hit the gym up consistently, I appreciate all your advice in advance and hope you're all enjoying the States, trust me when I say it's the best God damn country, it sucks balls out here.
    Last edited by marine newbie; 11-01-2009 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #2


    I'm 31, 5'7, 160 lbs.
    Bench (max) 185

    I have a small gut I have to loose badly so I plan on running 4 to 5 miles 3 times a week, and probably 2 miles 3 times a week, I have to run daily so that's my plan, any suggestions on six packs, diet and exercise wise?

    I did a cycle of Sustanon 250 and Deca about 8 years ago, went from 170 to 187 lbs, was benching about 280 (max), but since joining the military we do so much damn cardio is a bit hard to keep weight on. Thanks again for the help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    you cant ask for sources here bro read the rules

    Before we can help with a cycle we need stats
    training experience
    planned pct

  4. #4
    yeah I edited my post and posted stats probably as you were replying to my post, my bad.

    bf% is somewhere between 10 to 15%, hard to get an accurate test out here.

    Anywhere between 10 to 20 lbs of lean mass would be cool, I can't exactly blow up cuz then I'll get tested and get in trouble. I just don't want to loose all my gains in size and strength, if I can stay at around 175 lbs and have a six pack 4 to 6 months after the cycle is over I'll be content.

    for post cycle I was going to use clomid, starting 2 weeks after ending my cycle, 300mg the 1st day, then I think it was 100mg for like 10 days, and 50mg for 10 more days, that's what was suggested on this website anyways.

    As far as training experience I'm okay. I focus a lot on form and going more or less slow on every rep, I might throw the weight up with a little bit of speed making sure I keep form as perfect as possible, but on the way back down I always go real slow. I would like advice on how often to switch things up and if just changing exercises is enough, that I don't have too much experience with.

    I'll try to work out 2x a day, one muscle group each time:

    Days 1 and 4: chest and tri
    Days 2 and 5: back and bis
    Days 3 and 6: shoulders and legs

    All help and advice is greatly appreciated, thanks much bros.
    Last edited by marine newbie; 11-01-2009 at 12:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Sorry if I asked too many questions, but the most important thing I need to find out asap is how to stack the testosterone and Deca. I plan on doing the Test on a 12 week period, with 15 doses of 250 mg each, using the pyramid method. How can I stack the Deca with this? The Deca I'm getting is 25 mg/mm and it's a bit expensive, so at most I can buy 800 to 1000mm worth. Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Ok. I'll be brutally honest.

    I don't think you're anywhere ready to cycle, my friend.

    You haven't yet built up any sort of natural base, you still have a higher bf%, you haven't yet learned the basics of training, and from the way you laid out your cycle and pct you still have a lot more research ahead of you.

    you say you want to add 10lbs of muscle and get a six pack, right? well, what's your diet and training like now?

    One last thing, I've known guys who tried to cycle when deployed. It never works out well for them, and they are always disappointed with their gains. Why? Because it's really hard to eat properly when deployed. Your food choices are limited and diet is one of the most anabolic things you can put into your body. Without it, you just won't grow.

    That's my .02.

  7. #7
    Yo I really appreciate your input, very good constructive criticism. "Brutally honest" famous Jerry maguire line, I like it. Anyways, it's not too hard for me to get to my natural base, but I have been working out consistently (4 to 6 times a week) for the past months or so, and don't plan on starting the cycle till the end of the month, once it starts snowing and we have more down time. We have okay choices as far as chow goes, goo healthy breakfast (all the hard boiled eggs you can eat), grilled chicken breast almost daily for lunch with other unhealthy shit, and dinner is always different, but there's always cold cuts (I just eat the turkey) available for sandwiches. I run 2 miles at least 3 times a week, usually more though. my gut is not huge, but after being in descent shape during my rugby era I hate having any gut at all, never thoght I would have one. There's dudes out here that have gained 20 to 30 lbs just on the testasterone alone, they usually loose most of their gains though, they stop going to the gym consistently and never do any pct. As far as my proposed pct I got it in the "suggested cycles" section of this site, so if it's bunk then I don't know how to go about it. I didn't pct when I did my last (and only) cycle so this would be my first time. I don't see how my proposed testosterone cycle is so poorly laid out, I mean it's based off of a 250 mg a week cycle, but it builds up to an average of 350mg/week during the middle of the cycle, and ends with an average of 170 mg/week. This is the pyramid method that I read about in the Steroid bible. I know that many people don't believe in it, but some do. So please tell me, what would be a good cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    If you're hell bent on doing it, at least do it right.

    Go read the stickies in the pct section and get back to us with your proposed pct. This is extremely important.

    You don't need to pyramid any test doses. If it's a long estered test, it will basically self taper before you start your pct.

    You really don't need the deca, if this is your first go.

    Here's a good link for you to read:

    whatever you do, don't jump into anything. Read, read and read some more.

  9. #9
    Do it right, yes, I agree.

    I'll read the pct section, but again, the 300mg one day, 100 mg for 10 days, and 50 mg for 10 days I got from this site, are you saying this is a bad pct???

    Point taken on the pyramid, but just curious, when do you want to pyramid?

    I did a cycle about 6 years ago, maybe 7? I stacked sustanon 250 with deca, but I'm definitely a rookie so if u want to consider it my first go im fine with that.

    Before I did my cycle way back when, I had to do a research paper for an english class and I did it on steroids, I bought 3 books including the steroids bible, and spend over 40 hours researching. I'm by no means an authority on the subject, but I'm not clueless either, well shit at least I don't think so, but I'll read both the links you send me.

    By all acounts I have heard stacking is the way to go. I'm not trying to go crazy with HGH or Winstrol or Dianabol, from what I understand these are more of ur hardcore drugs. I'll read your links then post again, thanks a lot for your honest opinion and ur time bro, greatly appreciated.

    Lastly, it's not like I walk into a store and buy the shit, I give sum dude money, he goes into town and comes back with shit, that's how I got the deca to begin with, so I have it, and I did like it last time I used it so I don't know, unless you think it'll be all bad news I'd like to do it. I don't want to do no crazy cycle, would like to gain 10 to 20 lbs when it's all said and done. Thanks again bro, ttyl.

    You really don't need the deca, if this is your first go.

    Here's a good link for you to read:

    whatever you do, don't jump into anything. Read, read and read some more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    dont pyramid, just do a simple test only cycle.
    300mg/500mg wk for 10 to 12 weeks followed by a correct pct

  11. #11
    I'll have 15 250mg viles, so do you think I should do 250mg every 5 days? that's an avg. of 350 / week, would you consider that a small cycle? is 250mg / week for 15 weeks too long?

    so what pct do you recomend? what about using nolvadex throughout the cycle, I only ask cuz it was recomended on a lot of the sample cycles on the site.

    Thanks for your help and time bro, greatly appreciated.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    im currently deployed, and yes it is extremely hard to eat healthy and food is extremely limited. but the dfac always has chicken breasts or fish or turkey........ and rice........ fuits. so aslong as yo uget mainline and stay away from the short order you should be fine, up the cardio, and lift heavy......... fewer sets but heavy heavy heavy. then whn you have your natural base then think about cycling.... just my 2 cents and D7M your absolutely right the gains i have made while deployed are no where near as good as the ones i made while in the states. but even in iraq again...... ive made great gains.....

  13. #13
    Hey bro pm me if you get a chance, I can't cuz of my FNG status, I'm in Afghanistan, where u at?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by marine newbie View Post
    1) Does anybody know anything about Iran or Pakistan made steroids?? Any experience with them?
    Iran test quality is top of the range, best of the best IMO. Ive never seen anyone unhappy (Make sure they are real e.g. from Aburaihan Manufacturers). I dont know any thing about Pakistani test.

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