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Thread: Diet Critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Diet Critique

    Ok I'm 5.11, 82.5 kg and thats up from 73kg 5-6 weeks ago at the start of my cycle. I am running test enanthate 500 per week, deca 200 per week and was doing 30mg ed of dianabol first 28 days.
    So this is a diet ive developed after watching the Milos Sarcav videos posted on here, secrets to nutrition. This amount of calories seems a little low to me when bulking but according to his calculations it shoudl work and another fella has told me ill just get fat if I eat much more than that.

    So what do you guys reckon??

    Meal 1 - Homemade Shake
    30 grams raw oats
    45 grams protein powder
    handful of kale
    200 ml of < 1% milk
    teaspoon of cocoa powder
    363 calories 5g fat, 30 g carbs, 52.1g protein, 8 from oats so figure probs use up to half of those so maybe true number more like 52g.

    Meal 2
    5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
    40 grams sunflower seeds
    half tablespoon soybean oil(usually get sunflower others are very expensive here)
    fat 37.6g, carbs 7.5g, protein 51g total calories 565

    Meal 3
    5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
    Take multi vitamin
    388 calories 17.9g fat, 0.7 carbs, 52.6g protein

    meal 4
    tuna in water or brine 150g with some kale tomato and other bits of salad with either a healthy fats dressing of same value as/or the below seeds
    40g sunflower seeds
    387 calories 20 g fat, 7.5 carbs, 48.1 protein

    Meal 5 split into 3
    pre workout
    13.5g carbs, 57 calories

    during workout
    half banana
    13.5g carbs, 57 calories

    post workout
    banana and half
    60 grams protein powder
    Take Amino Acids
    378calories 2.2 fat 40.9 carbs 56.2 protein

    Meal 6
    5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
    337 calories 17.7g fat, 0 carbs, 42g protein

    Meal 7
    150g tuna
    3 egg whites
    210 calories 0.5 fat, 0.7 carbs, 50 protein

    Total Protein: 351.9 grams 51%
    Total Carbs: 113g grams 16%
    Total Fats: 100.9 grams 33%
    Total Calories: 1407.6(P) + 452(c) + 908(f) = 2767.6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    What are the goals you are after?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Lean muscle gain, as much as possible during the cycle, a bit of fat gain is acceptable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Why not add bcaa To preworkout?
    I would replace meal 1 for real food with eggwhites and a type of meat for protein release and
    postworkout I would have real food but that's just cause I don't like to rely much on the shakes... Only 27 g of pro pre workout on water on empty stomach with 50 mg of caffeine ... But I workout early in the morning...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hrmm honestly id like to keep eggs to a minimum, ive never eaten them my whole life and i think my body really has a hard time digesting, the smell is unbelievable if i eat morre than about 3... Bca pre workout and post workout? Also i really do like having the shake for breakfast when I wake up but if you guys think its not good ill change.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hrmm sooo many users but sooo little feedback

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    How old are you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    25 years old

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    Well first off you need to smacked for waiting so late after the cycle to come in here! But im sure you know that! As for the diet stick to what you have written it looks decent! I would cut the amino acids OUT of the PWO shake and drink them while you are working out,its kinda useless to use in conjuction.

    Explain this?

    Meal 5 split into 3
    pre workout
    13.5g carbs, 57 calories

    during workout
    half banana
    13.5g carbs, 57 calories

    post workout
    banana and half
    60 grams protein powder
    Take Amino Acids
    378calories 2.2 fat 40.9 carbs 56.2 protein

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    hrmm ok thanks very much for your feedback!! I know ive left it late but previously I figured just eating 1lb of protein per pound i weigh and eating as many carbs as I could would do the trick!!

    Ok on milos sarcavs vids he says to only take carbs for breakfast and then before during and after your workout. So I figured pherhaps split some bananas up between the workout? I cant get dextrose here unfortunatly. Also I added sugar to my post workout shake last night instead of a banana, figured it would get used faster. Good idea?? If so should I use around the same amount of carbs worth of sugar that the banana gives??

    On another note ive been feeling quite lethargic today, second day running this diet. Im hoping this is a temporary feeling of getting used to low carbs and using fat as energy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    so is this diet good for me to get optimal muscle gains or would I be better adding more carbs or more fat? Just seems low to me :P Im not worried about a bit of fat as long as its not more than muscle and i can easy lose that after.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just weighed myself 2 days into this diet im down 1.5 kg... guessing thats cause the food im eating weighs less than all the rice I was consuming before but a little worrying. Will keep at it a few days before i resort to adding potatos and rice, terrified ill waste this cycle and id rather do a dirty bulk than gain nothing at all.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Your carbs do seem a bit low for bulking. I would drop 50g protein and add it back w/ rice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sounds good to me cause its cheaper :P Anyone else agree?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    you weigh around 181 right? And your protein is 351 grams a day,thats 2 grams per pound you could drop the protein slightly,bump carbs up a bit,and keep fats the same. IMO the best starting default diet for you would be 40/40/20. As far as the sugar PWO i highly advise against it!! If you wanna add carbs make it a potato or maybe some maltodextrin. But straight up sugar is not something you shouldnt EVER take in your daily diet IMO of course.There has been a study shoing that the use of a protein hydrolysate alone was enough to increase protein synthesis after exercise and that the addition of carbohydrates did not further increase protein synthesis. So in a nutshell dont use the table suga!!!
    Last edited by **TOP**; 11-06-2009 at 02:24 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ah ok thanks very much So erm I think im pretty much good to go but erm another question. Would a banana be ok like my original idea in the shake? As well as a pre and during workout banana to keep simple carbs steady throughout the workout?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    oh and is 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fats?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    Quote Originally Posted by dave84 View Post
    oh and is 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fats?
    pro/carb/fat yes! and as far as the banana goes do it.See what happens let it run for 1.5-2 weeks and see how you feel about it then!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Well felt ok in workout today. Had a banan 45 mins before, then one 5 minutes before then one with my whey after workout. Still im alarmed by my weight loss, think maybe its stopped but I want weight gain!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I think you have enough calories to grow. Are you getting hungry before your next meal? If so than add a little carbs (or fat). I wouldn't make any drastic changes, you don't want a bunch of slop imo..

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