Ok I'm 5.11, 82.5 kg and thats up from 73kg 5-6 weeks ago at the start of my cycle. I am running test enanthate 500 per week, deca 200 per week and was doing 30mg ed of dianabol first 28 days.
So this is a diet ive developed after watching the Milos Sarcav videos posted on here, secrets to nutrition. This amount of calories seems a little low to me when bulking but according to his calculations it shoudl work and another fella has told me ill just get fat if I eat much more than that.
So what do you guys reckon??
Meal 1 - Homemade Shake
30 grams raw oats
45 grams protein powder
handful of kale
200 ml of < 1% milk
teaspoon of cocoa powder
363 calories 5g fat, 30 g carbs, 52.1g protein, 8 from oats so figure probs use up to half of those so maybe true number more like 52g.
Meal 2
5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
40 grams sunflower seeds
half tablespoon soybean oil(usually get sunflower others are very expensive here)
fat 37.6g, carbs 7.5g, protein 51g total calories 565
Meal 3
5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
Take multi vitamin
388 calories 17.9g fat, 0.7 carbs, 52.6g protein
meal 4
tuna in water or brine 150g with some kale tomato and other bits of salad with either a healthy fats dressing of same value as/or the below seeds
40g sunflower seeds
387 calories 20 g fat, 7.5 carbs, 48.1 protein
Meal 5 split into 3
pre workout
13.5g carbs, 57 calories
during workout
half banana
13.5g carbs, 57 calories
post workout
banana and half
60 grams protein powder
Take Amino Acids
378calories 2.2 fat 40.9 carbs 56.2 protein
Meal 6
5 oz cooked chicken breast friend in oil with spring onions and parsley
337 calories 17.7g fat, 0 carbs, 42g protein
Meal 7
150g tuna
3 egg whites
210 calories 0.5 fat, 0.7 carbs, 50 protein
Total Protein: 351.9 grams 51%
Total Carbs: 113g grams 16%
Total Fats: 100.9 grams 33%
Total Calories: 1407.6(P) + 452(c) + 908(f) = 2767.6