Okay, so I am not a pro bodybuilder, and while I respect the sport extremely, have no desire to be freakishly huge. That being said, I have always lifted hard and kept a good amount of muscle on me.
My dilemma is that I have always had this layer of fat around my midsection, including some nice love handles (which, despite their name, seem distracting during love making).
I've never used any steroids before, and wouldn't want to do more than one cycle if I did.
Would doing one cycle of steroids help me get cut and pack on a few more pounds of muscle?
If I just did one cycle would I lose the muscle, and gain the fat back if I didn't use again?
My buddy just got some Decabol 250, which he called British Dragons. He says he's happy to give me a full cycle (inc. anti-estrogen) Is that a good steroid to use for my goals (fat loss)?
Where do I find out how to cycle Decabol (I have no idea how to inject, when, etc)?
Last question: I am very concerned about hair loss, acne...I get a few zits, and hair loss runs in my family (I've got a good head of hair though), should I be concerned about hair loss and acne if I do one cycle of decabol 250?
Thanks for your time!