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Thread: PCT just ended today and I still can't tell whether my gear was real or not!!

  1. #1

    PCT just ended today and I still can't tell whether my gear was real or not!!

    24 years old
    height 5'9 1/2

    I did a cycle of test-e (first cycle ever) for 12 weeks at 500mg weekly. I went from 169lbs to 190lbs with a lot of added muscle, HOWEVER, I also drastically increased my caloric intake. I was cutting before starting the cycle and my cals were as low as 2,300. On cycle, they were 3,400. I don't know whether my weight would have increased the same had I not been on cycle. I was extremely ripped with very low bf before, and I gained some bf on cycle too. Doesn't someone typically gain 20lbs with this same cycle and lower bf % if he keeps the same diet?

    I have had no sides at all on cycle (no gyno, test flu, hair loss, just a pimple once in a while but thats it)
    I have lost no libido on PCT (6 weeks after my last injection)
    I have lost no strength or muscle since being off (gained a lot on cycle but that could be bc of diet, however I just gained strength back that I use to have before my initial cut)

    One thing is my appetite went wayyy down when I started PCT and I didn't feel like eating anything, even though I ended up forcefeeding myself.

    Can someone help me out with this one and take a guess as to whether I was ripped off or not?

  2. #2
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    169lbs to 190lbs in that amount of time...I am pretty sure it worked however you could have weighted a bit longer though in my opinion.

  3. #3
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    you wouldnt have gained tht weight naturally in tht time frame unless it was majorily fat and water

  4. #4
    I gained most of that weight in the first 8 weeks really. Some of it was water/fat but I also gained a lot of strength and muscle.

    Doesnt the average person gain about 20 lbs and LOSE fat on that same cycle though, while NOT CHANGING their diets?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    I gained most of that weight in the first 8 weeks really. Some of it was water/fat but I also gained a lot of strength and muscle.

    Doesnt the average person gain about 20 lbs and LOSE fat on that same cycle though, while NOT CHANGING their diets?
    no such thing as the ave person in this game, we all diff mate, i knw a guy who can use deca alone, eat shit, builds muscle like crazy and fuks girls all round him. you wont ness lose fat on a cycle

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    I gained most of that weight in the first 8 weeks really. Some of it was water/fat but I also gained a lot of strength and muscle.

    Doesnt the average person gain about 20 lbs and LOSE fat on that same cycle though, while NOT CHANGING their diets?
    I am in the same boat, Ive only gained about 10 (halfway through week 7) and I thought it must be just my diet. But there is no way, my body has basically rebuilt itself differently and Ive definately lost bf (obviously more than you). Also from what I've read from everyone on here your body adjusts and bounces back faster on your first cycle, so your sides and stuff may just be avoided.

  7. #7
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    i've always used sust and tried test e last cycle and boy was i disappointed, i think sust is way beta

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    i've always used sust and tried test e last cycle and boy was i disappointed, i think sust is way beta
    also what I think is happening. Alot of people expect way more than what happens.

  9. #9
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    fellas i dont know what gear you are useing but i can sure 100% feel the differance on test ,i mean 500mgs sust per week and in week 3 i was wanting to fuk everything in sight(female) huge pumps,great appitite,great sence of well being ,i think if one is useing ugl gear this has a huge part in as most ugl,s now days are shit ,i either use hg organon sust of 300mgs/ml home brew.

  10. #10
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    then mine is severly underdosed and I'm gaining on diet lol.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BREW-MAN View Post
    fellas i dont know what gear you are useing but i can sure 100% feel the differance on test ,i mean 500mgs sust per week and in week 3 i was wanting to fuk everything in sight(female) huge pumps,great appitite,great sence of well being ,i think if one is useing ugl gear this has a huge part in as most ugl,s now days are shit ,i either use hg organon sust of 300mgs/ml home brew.
    this is quite true i reckon, i wouldnt use an ugl for anything, i just wudnt use if tht was my only choice. always use organon sust aswell, and their hcg

  12. #12
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    Everyone responds different to every compound. I dont respond much to 500mg of HG test. I take 40mg of dbol and blow up like a tic. You have to judge for yourself how things effect you.

  13. #13
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    You gained 21lbs in 12 weeks and you're questioning? What was your bf on cycle?
    And just because you didn't have any gyno issues doesn't mean anything. I've never had any either and i know my shit's good. Consider yourself lucky.
    What's you current weight? You said your strength didn't go down.

  14. #14
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    I think you did fine in this cycle. Most people who are new do expect way to much, I know I did when I started 10yrs ago. As for the side effects yes you are lucky. I can't touch a bottle of test without seeing gyno but I have a friend who can do 3000mgs a week and has no Idea of what gyno even is.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You gained 21lbs in 12 weeks and you're questioning? What was your bf on cycle?
    And just because you didn't have any gyno issues doesn't mean anything. I've never had any either and i know my shit's good. Consider yourself lucky.
    What's you current weight? You said your strength didn't go down.
    I'm questioning because I drastically increased my diet so I figured I could do a little better I guess. My bodyfat was extremely low before cycle since I was on a cutting diet. Abs were ripped but now I have slightly extra bf and water. Isn't the fact that my strength and libido hasn't gone down that my gear was fake? My appetite drastically decreased at first so that gave me hope (it is back now)

  16. #16
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    your gear was real man. doesnt matter that you were restricted to excessive. if you werent on gear you would have just gotten fat. your shit was real. you just dont have the sides that some other people have.

    not really drastic, 2300 to 3400. 2300 to 5000 is drastic man.

    21lbs in 12 weeks, like pete said, wouldnt have happened if you just started bulking.

  17. #17
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    lol really? What were you expecting?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    lol really? What were you expecting?
    exactly...ur saying u gained 21 lbs and havent lost anything yet.

    sounds dam good man.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Everyone responds different to every compound. I dont respond much to 500mg of HG test. I take 40mg of dbol and blow up like a tic. You have to judge for yourself how things effect you.

    Its exactly the same for me. I kickstarted my cycle with 30mg of dbol and gained about 12 pounds on 4 weeks while losing an inch off my waist. On just test I feel like I'm taking creatine.

  20. #20
    And is it normal for appetite to completely tank when starting pct?

  21. #21
    Duplicate post
    Last edited by AlphaMaleDawg; 12-09-2009 at 03:35 PM.

  22. #22
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    lol honestly how can people not tell if testerone is legit?

    i mean when im on test all i wanna do is have sex with everything, im strong as hell, ive got so much energy and aggression in the gym its not funny, i get mad pumps, my testicles shrink, i get wicked water bloat

    i mean really how can u not tell if you testerone is legit? it should be pretty clear to you whether it is or isnt

    anywhos yes its normal for alot of people for their appetite to suck shit on PCT since estrogen is suppressed and steroids does tend to promote appetite in alot of people so once comming off them your appetite usually does tend to go back to normal

  23. #23
    dam I appreciate all the help guys but I'm just as confused as I was before. I still have no idea since the strength I gained was just strength that I used to have previously before I lost a drastic amount of strength on my cut. The absolutely massive appetite drop gives me hope though

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol honestly how can people not tell if testerone is legit?

    i mean when im on test all i wanna do is have sex with everything, im strong as hell, ive got so much energy and aggression in the gym its not funny, i get mad pumps, my testicles shrink, i get wicked water bloat

    i mean really how can u not tell if you testerone is legit? it should be pretty clear to you whether it is or isnt

    anywhos yes its normal for alot of people for their appetite to suck shit on PCT since estrogen is suppressed and steroids does tend to promote appetite in alot of people so once comming off them your appetite usually does tend to go back to normal

    The test just does not hit me that strong. Maybe it was the amount taken.

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