how u doin guys,
i know it's a general timeline of 3 days for prop to kick in and 3-5 weeks for longer esters such as cyp and etanthate.
just wondering from PERSONAL experiences how long was it until you felt the test and started noticing results into your cycle?
Personally i didn't feel my first cycle of prop kick in till about week 1 and then it peaked mid week 2, it was definently prop cause it hurt like a biatch and i trust my source.
thing is i'm on my second cycle now of test cyp andi t's been about 3 weeks and 2-3 days now,i'm yet to experience elevated test levels, (well notice them atleast) , workouts haveb een gettin slightly better but this coujld be frmo my surplus of calories i'm on about 3500-3200
on about 93kg now and 14-17% either i've put on smoe fat or i'm carryin some nice water weight, mid workouts i look great, other then that i look pudgy and bloated.
so yeah what test did you run and when did it kick in nicely for you?