only one cycle has occured between those pics and current, in the first pictures the weight is around 240 with about 30+% bodyfat, the other picture which was done on a 19 dollar digital camera from walmart is roughly 16-17% first real cycle was an omnadren/deca cycle and nolva PCT, got up to around 260 pounds but a shitload of bloat and stregth, have kept some of the strength (not all) and dieted really strict down to my current weight of libido has retuned but i still have a fair amount of bacne (i ended the cycle may 1st 2009)..i was originally going to do a tren ace/prop cycle but i decided since i do not want to compete, and im probably not yet ready for the tren sides, i want to go with an anavar only cycle at 40mgs a day for 7 weeks with a mild pct of nolda/clomid (i have both on hand but unsure the dosages with a mild cycle such as this) i will be using a cyclic keotgenic diet
1. first question is, will 40mg a day anavar for 7 weeks be ok for mild strength gains and limited PCT use
2. what kind of PCT is necesaary, nolva only? 40/20/20/20 or clomid only?