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Thread: Nolvadex on hcg?

  1. #1

    Nolvadex on hcg?

    Hello everyone:

    I am planning on using 250iux2/wk hcg 3 weeks prior to the end of my cycle. what's the good dosage for nolvadex while running hcg, 10mg/day? also , I am running arimidex 0.25mg/eod as an AI, this dosage should kept the same? or increase a little bit? Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2009
    HCG gets run during cycle.

    Are you asking about PCT?

    You are running nolva with adex?

    Please explain.



  3. #3
    Hey T:
    I am running the hcg for the last 3 weeks of my cycle to pct. I read user should run combination of nolvadex and an AI for elevated estrogen control. so, I am wondering what's the good dosage for nolvadex, I am currently running 0.25 mg arimidex eod.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonjazz317 View Post
    Hey T:
    I am running the hcg for the last 3 weeks of my cycle to pct. I read user should run combination of nolvadex and an AI for elevated estrogen control. so, I am wondering what's the good dosage for nolvadex, I am currently running 0.25 mg arimidex eod.
    You do not need both at the same time.

    What kind of cycle did you run?

    What does your PCT protacol look like?



  5. #5
    I am running 500mg sustanon for 8 weeks. clomid and nolvadex for PCT.

  6. #6
    I am at week 6 for my cycle

  7. #7
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    the arimidex shud be enough. If not bump it up to 0.5mg eod

  8. #8
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    I would not be running an AI on this cycle unless I was gyno prone.

    Now, you have been running an AI, so you shouldn't stop it due to the fact that estrogen rebound could happen.

    Save the nolva for PCT.



  9. #9
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    yea, you can run the adex during your cycle if worried about gyno, but definitely save the nolva for your pct. good luck

  10. #10
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    If gyno prone, I have seen as high as 40mg.

    The dosage depends more on the individual than any other factor.

    10mg-20mg is the starting scripted dosage not considering other factors.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    8 weeks is too short for a sust cycle, should be at least 10wks with 12 being preferable

  12. #12
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    8 weeks is too short for a sust cycle, should be at least 10wks with 12 being preferable
    Agreed and definitely dont run nolva and adex on cycle.

  13. #13

    I currently am in PCT after my 10week Test Cyp cycle. I have done extensive research in regards to running HCG while on cycle (Prob going to run it while on my next Test cycle, real savior when it comes to keeping the boys solid!) But, right now my PCT is as follows:

    HCG 1000iu EOD for 3wks
    Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 4wks

    So far I am 25 days since my last shot and i've never felt better in my life. Strength is def. down some, but sex drive and mood seem to be excellent. Also, I see that my bf% seems to be decreasing and my sense of well being after the HCG injects is incredible.

    I used to run Clomiphene with my PCT and I was prone to some of the sides that come along with this great PCT med. If the visual disturbances and emotinal sides were more manageable, I would DEF add this back into the mix!

    Both Clomiphine and Tamoxifen increase pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - secretion by blocking negative feedback on the hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . Combined together, they are much more effective during PCT. Regardless, PCT should consist of hcg. The action of hcg is identical to that of pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - . It works independantly and is not affected by preexisting hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - suppression and exogenous hormones. There is nothing more effective than hcg for restoring endogenous testosterone production, spermatogenesis and testicular volume. But, like I said earlier, I am going to run it while on in my next cycle and see how it goes!

    Best of luck bro, hope this helps

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Agreed and definitely dont run nolva and adex on cycle.
    I have read a little bit about this but can you explain?

  15. #15
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    you need estrogen in ur body to help with the gains running both of them will ruduce gains to much. i always use 20mg nolva a day as im gyno prone.

    Thats right isnt it???

  16. #16
    Yes, Skel that is correct. 20mg Tamoxifen daily will help keep gyno at bay. Tamox is a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). Altho it does not actually lower the amount of Estrogen in the body, it will prevent the estrogen from reaching and binding to receptor sites in the breast. I am a big fan of Tamoxifen. Within 2 days of my nipple soreness and sensitivity as little as 20mg everyday fixed me right up!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I have read a little bit about this but can you explain?
    Nice legs on the avatar!!!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by louiscypher View Post
    Nice legs on the avatar!!!
    Thanks, that pic was takin last year at the end of my cut. I have been bulking this winter so my legs are a lot bigger but obviously not as cut. Thanks for the compliment bro!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ajd31886 View Post

    I currently am in PCT after my 10week Test Cyp cycle. I have done extensive research in regards to running HCG while on cycle (Prob going to run it while on my next Test cycle, real savior when it comes to keeping the boys solid!) But, right now my PCT is as follows:

    HCG 1000iu EOD for 3wks
    Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 4wks

    So far I am 25 days since my last shot and i've never felt better in my life. Strength is def. down some, but sex drive and mood seem to be excellent. Also, I see that my bf% seems to be decreasing and my sense of well being after the HCG injects is incredible.

    I used to run Clomiphene with my PCT and I was prone to some of the sides that come along with this great PCT med. If the visual disturbances and emotinal sides were more manageable, I would DEF add this back into the mix!

    Both Clomiphine and Tamoxifen increase pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - secretion by blocking negative feedback on the hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . Combined together, they are much more effective during PCT. Regardless, PCT should consist of hcg. The action of hcg is identical to that of pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - . It works independantly and is not affected by preexisting hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - suppression and exogenous hormones. There is nothing more effective than hcg for restoring endogenous testosterone production, spermatogenesis and testicular volume. But, like I said earlier, I am going to run it while on in my next cycle and see how it goes!

    Best of luck bro, hope this helps
    But then Pros on the forum are saying something else:

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ajd31886 View Post

    I currently am in PCT after my 10week Test Cyp cycle. I have done extensive research in regards to running HCG while on cycle (Prob going to run it while on my next Test cycle, real savior when it comes to keeping the boys solid!) But, right now my PCT is as follows:

    HCG 1000iu EOD for 3wks
    Tamoxifen 20mg ED for 4wks

    So far I am 25 days since my last shot and i've never felt better in my life. Strength is def. down some, but sex drive and mood seem to be excellent. Also, I see that my bf% seems to be decreasing and my sense of well being after the HCG injects is incredible.

    I used to run Clomiphene with my PCT and I was prone to some of the sides that come along with this great PCT med. If the visual disturbances and emotinal sides were more manageable, I would DEF add this back into the mix!

    Both Clomiphine and Tamoxifen increase pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - secretion by blocking negative feedback on the hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . Combined together, they are much more effective during PCT. Regardless, PCT should consist of hcg. The action of hcg is identical to that of pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - . It works independantly and is not affected by preexisting hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - suppression and exogenous hormones. There is nothing more effective than hcg for restoring endogenous testosterone production, spermatogenesis and testicular volume. But, like I said earlier, I am going to run it while on in my next cycle and see how it goes!

    Best of luck bro, hope this helps
    thts way too much, you should end hcg a week before pct

  21. #21
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    Using HCG in PCT .. I thought that wasnt the way.

  22. #22
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    OP, look up swiftos post on hcg, gr8 info in there, he recently suggested a layout for myself which i'd have been completly lost without

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