Right now I am in the worst shape of my life. Over the past few years I have put my health and fitness on the back burner and really regret it. When I was younger I was on the career path of being a personal trainer and loved every aspect of training. Unfortunately I switched gears and when I did I gave up on fitness all together. Over the past few months I have really been regretting my decision and am considering going back to school or at least getting re certified. Anyway First thing first I need to get myself in check and get the ball rolling. At my best I was 205 and around 13-14% bodyfat. Here is a video I jsut took of what I look like now. Its scary when you put it on video, sit back and actually see what you REALLY look like. HOW DID I LET THIS HAPPEN!!! I thought posting this would give me some motivation, it's actually pretty embarrassing to see where I once was and where I am now. On a side note any guess of body fat???