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Thread: Not a newbie but first injectable cycle... Need some feedback

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Exclamation Not a newbie but first injectable cycle... Need some feedback

    Hello everyone,

    My stats:

    Male, 28
    5,8" 180Lbs
    3 Cycles on my belt, Tbol at 40mg, Tbol at 40mg + 40mg Var and Tbol at 60mg. I'm dumping orals. Want to keep my liver and I'm looking for better results this time.
    Currently somewhere between 14-15% bodyfat due to some personal issues and lack of consistent training. By the end of last summer I was 11% after my last Tbol cycle but I got careless and had some other stuff going on... Nevermind that. Currently started training hard again and I'm looking to lower my bodyfat to 12% and then I'll start the following cycle:

    Weeks 1 - 14 : Test Prop EOD at 200mg
    Weeks 1 - 12 : Equipoise at 600mg EW
    Weeks 1 - 14 : Arimidex 0,25mg
    Weeks 1 - 14 : Bumping Finasteride to 2mg (I'm on 1 mg for 4 years)

    Clomid 100/100/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Arimidex 0.5/0.5/0.25/0.25

    Now I think it would be wise to use some HCG in between 4-12th week! What is your opinion on this matter? And how much should I inject and how often? I think this would make my recovery a breeze and help out my nuts through the cycle. It is a bit long for sure, and I know it may not be very harsh but I always go by the safest route.
    Now, what do you think of this cycle? I'm looking to lower bodyfat and put on some extra pounds in the middle...

    And please don't bash me and say, just go with Test E for 12 weeks at 500mg dude! I've put out quite some thought on this... I do not want to use Test E as my first one. I'll use a longer ester with equipoise just because I believe the sides from it are on the softer side, at least softer than Test E!

    Need the feedback from the expirienced ones to make me fully confident about this cycle.

    Thanx in advance
    Last edited by Mo-I-KaN; 01-17-2010 at 04:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    as it's your first injectable cycle use the "test beginner cycle guide" i wrote, it will work just fine, no need to overdue the first cycle and i know you don't want to use prop and have to inject 50x(98x if you do ed)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Age is 28!

    Don't mind the EOD injections... I'll even enjoy it more like this... I'll just rotate glutes, shoulders, quads.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-I-KaN View Post
    Age is 28!

    Don't mind the EOD injections... I'll even enjoy it more like this... I'll just rotate glutes, shoulders, quads.
    then my advice would be to make sure you read up on prop flu(some people are allergic to the propionate ester the first time they use it

    the arimidex probably won't be needed, you NEED estrogen to grow, use it as needed for water retention but you shouldn't have too many problems with that on this cycle

    why do you want to use EQ?

  5. #5
    Looks like an excellent cycle bro. Should be a lot of fun.

    Just a couple of things though: prop @ 200mg EOD is quite heavy. You shouldn't need 700mg of prop for a first cycle w/ test bro. How about 150mg EOD = ~525mg each week. That seems more reasonable to me.

    I would run the a-dex @ 0.25mg every 2nd day. You don't need 0.25 each day. (unless very gyno prone..)

    HCG should be run throughout the entire cycle... (weeks 1 - 14) @ 500iu every 5 days. or if you don't have enough just run it (weeks 6 - 14) @ 500iu every 5 days

    P.S. do NOT use a-dex during PCT. You do not want to be destroying estrogen during PCT (just blocking estrogen from entering breast tissue receptors!)

    Have fun.

  6. #6
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Looks like an excellent cycle bro. Should be a lot of fun.

    Just a couple of things though: prop @ 200mg EOD is quite heavy. You shouldn't need 700mg of prop for a first cycle w/ test bro. How about 150mg EOD = ~525mg each week. That seems more reasonable to me.

    I would run the a-dex @ 0.25mg every 2nd day. You don't need 0.25 each day. (unless very gyno prone..)

    HCG should be run throughout the entire cycle... (weeks 1 - 14) @ 500iu every 5 days. or if you don't have enough just run it (weeks 6 - 14) @ 500iu every 5 days

    P.S. do NOT use a-dex during PCT. You do not want to be destroying estrogen during PCT (just blocking estrogen from entering breast tissue receptors!)

    Have fun.
    I'll take your advice bro... I was reluctant at 200mg prop EOD but it seemed a more rounded number rather than 150mg... 150mg it is!
    Of course I'm a bit scared of the irritating prop, but I'll just go for it and see if I can stand the pain.
    I'll drop Adex for PCT but I wont run HCG till PCT, that's just not right and will make my recovery harder by mimic LH, I'll use it 500iu every 5 days and quit by 12th week.

    Oh, and I'll use Eq for some extra vascularity and because the sides are very low...

  7. #7
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    why do you want to use EQ?
    For vascularity and of course to bring a bit more juice to it without harsh sides.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-I-KaN View Post
    For vascularity and of course to bring a bit more juice to it without harsh sides.
    watch your RBC on Eq, it has a tendency to cause "sludging"(too many red blood cells), if that happens go get blood drawn

    as far as prop pain, you can cut your injections with sterile oil, b12 complex, etc...

  9. #9
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    watch your RBC on Eq, it has a tendency to cause "sludging"(too many red blood cells), if that happens go get blood drawn

    as far as prop pain, you can cut your injections with sterile oil, b12 complex, etc...
    I know every steroid raises RBC and EQ raises it even more but I tought it was a good thing to some degree, helping me out on the cardio part, yes, I intend to do cardio often, I like cardio and, as I said in my first post, I want to lean out also. I was not aware I would need to draw blood... That seems the scariest part of it all man... But I think its doable. How much should I draw and how often?
    Last edited by Mo-I-KaN; 01-17-2010 at 05:18 PM.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-I-KaN View Post
    I know every steroid raises RBC and EQ raises it even more but I tought it was a good thing to some degree, helping me out on the cardio part, yes, I intend to do cardio often, I like cardio and, as I said in my first post, I want to lean out also. I was not aware I would need to draw blood... That seems the scariest part of it all man... But I think its doable. How much should I draw and how often?
    NO NO NO, you don't draw it at all

    What i'm saying is that sometimes Eq can raise RBC a little much and you'll start to feel rundown and lethargic, if that happens they go to a bloodbank and have some take some blood(whatever their normal amount is, probably 0.5-1.0 pints)

    and you're right, it will help with cardio as well as fat oxidization(fat burns best in an oxygen saturated(aerobic) environment

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    I would bump the EQ up to see its results. Bump it up to 650-750 wk. Thats just me tho

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    I would bump the EQ up to see its results. Bump it up to 650-750 wk. Thats just me tho
    I believe that is a bit too much, at least for me... It is my first injectable cycle. I need to see how I´ll respond to this doses first and Test Prop at 150mg EOD and EQ at 600mg EW seems ok, but anyway thank you. If I get eager I´ll ramp it up.

  13. #13
    Off topic, but I was just wondering how your t-bol only cycle was? (sorry, I would have pm'd you but it wouldn't let me)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mwild12 View Post
    Off topic, but I was just wondering how your t-bol only cycle was? (sorry, I would have pm'd you but it wouldn't let me)
    Normally... No major sides and some good 6-8Lbs Lean mass. I love Tbol, but I want to quit orals.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
    On the hcg issue I would think that you would be satisfied with 1000 every 3rd day for a total of 21-24 days

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-I-KaN View Post
    Normally... No major sides and some good 6-8Lbs Lean mass. I love Tbol, but I want to quit orals.
    Ah ok, sweet...thanks for the response

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