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Thread: Looking for Suggestions on Second Cycle

  1. #1

    Looking for Suggestions on Second Cycle

    Hello all,

    I am fairly new to the game, but have done a lot of reading/research and had a few questions regarding my second cycle. Send all your opinions my way!

    32 year old male, 5'10", 180 pounds, not to sure about my bodyfat %, and I have been lifting for about 4 years. Bench 235 x 6 reps.

    I am in the last 2 weeks of my 1st cycle of Deca 300mg/week and Sus 250 mg/week for 10 weeks. My last two weeks will be just the Sus. I put on 15 of lean and I have Nolva, or Clomid for PCT. I was totally happy with the cycle.

    I think I am spot on with my diet. I am consuming 3340 a day following a 40/40/20 split. This is about 325g of protein a day. I am doing two shakes a day and the rest is coming from whole foods, chicken/turkey/dairy.

    Get big while staying lean!!

    Now for my question. I am already thinking about my second cycle and was going to take a few months off until I read this article:

    I am going to run Test E 500mg week(250mg twice a week) and Tren E at 200mg a week (100mg twice a week) for 8 weeks. Please send my your thoughts and advice, regarding taking 2 months off, or just waiting 2 weeks and going to the next cycle.

    Thanks in advance for the feedback...
    Last edited by mindovermatter; 01-21-2010 at 09:39 PM. Reason: Forgot some info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Usually...For the first time using tren you want to run tren ace, If you get the bad sides from tren which some people get hit hard its easier to come off of, than if you were injecting the en.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    test e-12 weeks
    tren a-10weeks
    Anavar -6 weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't think you need tren for a second cycle. No need to use such a strong drug, when at this stage in the game, a lot of milder steroids will get the job done just as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Your first cycle should not have had deca Incorporated into it.

    Sust was under dosed also.

    Your diet is not spot on.

    Is this your weight after the 15+ lb gain?

    You need to take proper time off.

    Ronnie is a Pro, not a beginner at AAS.

    Tren, no way second run.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mindovermatter View Post
    Hello all,

    I am fairly new to the game, but have done a lot of reading/research and had a few questions regarding my second cycle. Send all your opinions my way!

    32 year old male, 5'10", 180 pounds, not to sure about my bodyfat %, and I have been lifting for about 4 years. Bench 235 x 6 reps.

    I am in the last 2 weeks of my 1st cycle of Deca 300mg/week and Sus 250 mg/week for 10 weeks. My last two weeks will be just the Sus. I put on 15 of lean and I have Nolva, or Clomid for PCT. I was totally happy with the cycle.
    good, you lined up pct properly with the deca, though i hope you have both nolva and clomid, you'll need them
    I think I am spot on with my diet. I am consuming 3340 a day following a 40/40/20 split. This is about 325g of protein a day. I am doing two shakes a day and the rest is coming from whole foods, chicken/turkey/dairy.

    Get big while staying lean!!

    Now for my question. I am already thinking about my second cycle and was going to take a few months off until I read this article:

    I am going to run Test E 500mg week(250mg twice a week) and Tren E at 200mg a week (100mg twice a week) for 8 weeks. Please send my your thoughts and advice, regarding taking 2 months off, or just waiting 2 weeks and going to the next cycle.

    Thanks in advance for the feedback...
    [B]comments in bold above[B]

    do you mind injections? if not then a prop/npp cycle might be just the thing, it's basically the short ester version of the cycle you ran(npp is basically a short estered deca)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I don't think you need tren for a second cycle. No need to use such a strong drug, when at this stage in the game, a lot of milder steroids will get the job done just as well.
    Yes, I agree.
    2nd run/ no tren
    you should post a photo of urself in the members pictures and get an rough bf%. You said ur goal is to get lean and stay big,
    are u lean now?

    Also how is your sex drive on your current cycle, I know the doses of deca and sus arnt high but whenever deca is run higher then the test, I always worry a bit.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Your first cycle should not have had deca Incorporated into it.

    Sust was under dosed also.

    Your diet is not spot on.

    Is this your weight after the 15+ lb gain?

    You need to take proper time off.

    Ronnie is a Pro, not a beginner at AAS.

    Tren, no way second run.


    The 180 I am at now is including the 15 I just gained. I started at 165. What would you suggest regarding changes to nutrition and cycle. To answer some of the other questions, I don't mind injections, and my sex drive has been fine. I have clomid and Nolva already on hand, even a bottle of Letro just incase, but I have not had to use it.
    Last edited by mindovermatter; 01-21-2010 at 11:51 PM.

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