I'm currently prepping for my 1st cycle. Stacking Test E and Anavar. I have some Methyl Masterdrol V2 laying around, which I bought having heard some good things, but after researching here and other places, I've realized using PHs by themselves is not the best idea. I had used SD in the past w/o any noticeable side effects (except my already thinning hair), so I thought PHs were great, but then I did some research. SO.....my question is, would it be a good idea to kick start the cycle w/ the MM and end w/ the Var? This would save me some $. $ isn't really important, but if I can save some, why the hell not? I was originally planning on kicking and ending w/ Var. I know Dbol and Tbol are rough on the hair (I'm prone to MPB, and have been thinning since 18, and I'm 24), that's why I am opting not to use either of those 2 as a kicker.
Also, some of you will say I should do Test E only for a 1st cycle. Well, I've done my research and have decided to stack it w/ Var. I'm using a lower dose of test, as I am more after hardness and strength than sheer size. I am expecting the Var to aid in that. My body fat is also on the higher side, so I don't want to risk as much aromization.
AND, how is MMV2 on the hair? I've read reviews stating it's somewhat similar to Anavar (yeah I know, it's nowhere near as good) in it's composition and effects. We all know Var is easy on the hair, so does anyone have any info on MM and it's hair effect? I realize any cycle has the possibility of increasing one's hairloss, and I've accepted that. However, since I know Var is relatively hair safe, if MMv2 is hair toxic, I'm not gonna use it.
Any point to this, or just stick to the Var w/ the Test? Any help is appreciated, thanks very much.