I'm 3 weeks into a bulking cycle, 500mg sus, 200mg decca per week, and have one week left of Dbol.
Now, I've really miscalculated my cycles, I ideally wanted to have a 12 week bulking cycle (above) then go on to a Cutting Cycle of maybe Tren, prop & anavar (yet to be decided)
Would this have a negative effect on the gains I have gained on the bulking cycle if i went straight into a cutting cycle (yes, recovery will be a bitch)
Is it best to do PCT for a month after Bulking cycle then go into cutting cycle if my levels are normal, or do I need to have basically the same time off than I have had on.....
could I get away with staying on the sus, changing the decca for tren, and adding anavar & Clen then going calorie deficit.? (this would be preferred)
Or alternativly, could you change a cycle 4 weeks in? and go to cutting now?
Thanks for your advice!