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Thread: almost complete with the first cycle and have serious questions on tren and test

  1. #1

    almost complete with the first cycle and have serious questions on tren and test

    im 40 y\o this is my first cycle ever with any aas. my first aas was tren, because it was the easiest to get. my doses are 50mg eod so 150mg a wk, i did not want to start high , i did not want to make it obvious at work that i was on something. i started it now im just about done with the bottle and heres the problem. i have just started to see gains , because of the low dose it took the entire bottle, now i want to mix test with a cycle, i was still thinking low dose on both , just to keep it a secret for a while. do i stop the tren and stay off for 4-6 weeks then come back with test and tren ? or get another bottle of tren and just add the test and continue the cycle? i have no side effects from the tren yet , and that could be due to the low doses. please help i appreciate it ......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    u should always run test with a 19-nor like tren or decca... i dont know if tren only was a good idea, but since ur already doin it...continue the tren and just add the test in there. if u are looking to do low doses just keep the tren and test around 200/wk. the entire cycle should be 8-12 the test an extra week after the tren.

    what is ur pct?? do u have caber on hand incase of tren prolactin issues??

    wait...u keep saying bottle?? do u mean vial? these are injectable right? lol

  3. #3
    how long did you run the tren?

  4. #4
    i have only been on the cycle for around 4 weeks now. tren ace only and doing .5mg in jections eod.

  5. #5
    yes, lol it is a vial. im injecting .5mg eod and have been on this about 4 wks now.i still have a little left . im trying to get an order in. some of the posts i have seen have said not to run tren ace for long. thats why i was not sure if i stop and get off of it , or add the test with it and continue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    How did you make it to 40?

  7. #7
    I would stop and rest a bit and do a little bit more reading. Tren is pretty rough and everyone that has ran it always goes with test as a base. Im 38 and runnin 400 dec 600 test and 30 d-bol. The funny thing is I have a 50cc jug of fina tren just sittin there looking at me. I wouldn`t say I am scared to run it I just don`t know enough about it right now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis

    I would stop, do a pct, and start reading everything you can around here.

    Do you have pct planned?

  9. #9
    i honestly did not have a pct planned , i really did not think i would need it do to such a low dose. im still reading on the site , there is alot of info. here. im looking for good advice, i appreciate it. the weird thing is when i look up tren it comes up as a great aas, but people on the site really love it or are afraid of it . its hard to figure out . i have no sides so far from the stuff , i have been on it now for 4 weeks. my buddy is trying to get me into a test, deca, tren all in one vial. my buddy loves deca . still doing research so far so good . how do you know what dose to use if you have a vial with tren, deca, test in it?. im still looking at posts and studying up. i thank you for advise its obvious i need it.

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