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Thread: Please, first cycle Advice.

  1. #1

    Please, first cycle Advice.

    I did my research, talked to a plenty reputable gear guys in the city. they recommend a HGH kit for a 6 week cycle, with some low test susp. maybe add some winny. then finish off with some nolva.
    My stats:
    18% bf
    16 inch decently defined arms
    former athlete turned lazy, been getting at it natural since January. Wanted to cycle, this was recommended. What do senior members here think? what can I expect? good and bad. I am looked to get nicely cut, some strength. Will it help my thinning hair situation? I'm 23 btw.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I have never heard of testosterone making your hair grow back. Honestly, most people here will tell you that HGH is a waste at 6 weeks. You need to try 6 months or higher.

    How old are you? Your 'reputable gear guys' in your city sound like they got their AAS knowledge from the back of a cereal box

  3. #3
    23, he tried setting me up with a 56 day kit and some susp testerone. I'm, not looking to get huge, just staying at 180, while working on naturally getting my body fat down. Just want to get nicely cut, some strength. what would someone with proper knowledge recommend? and why is HGH with test awful? He was pushing it like gold.
    Also, I wont be taking those guys advice. Clearly, I was lead astray.
    Any advice or recommendations would be great. thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Hatchet_Man View Post
    23, he tried setting me up with a 56 day kit and some susp testerone. I'm, not looking to get huge, just staying at 180, while working on naturally getting my body fat down. Just want to get nicely cut, some strength. what would someone with proper knowledge recommend? and why is HGH with test awful? He was pushing it like gold.
    Also, I wont be taking those guys advice. Clearly, I was lead astray.
    Any advice or recommendations would be great. thanks again.
    correct diet and training will do this !

  5. #5
    I hired a nutrionist, he made me a diet. And I now goto the gym 6 days a week with a good mix of weight and cardio.
    So I should just stay natural and stick with it? just wanted to see what kind of gains I could get from a cycle.
    Thanks guys, any advice on a decent cycle if i change things up?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    whats your stats ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    ^^ sorry ignore that post i got em op

    How long have you been working out ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    He said them, you have to read his posts bro

  9. #9
    I am just mainly trying to go for great definition, similar to what you guys seem to have in the display pics. I am happy with my size, dont wanna bulk up. just look good, feel good. The diet helps tons, but definition is hard for me. other then my forearms, biceps and triceps.

  10. #10
    I have going natural for about 3 months. Lost alot of weight and bf, but still cant seem to get decent definition in my chest, stomach or back. Just looking for advice on a good cycle or any advice to help. I use to be a semi pro soccer player, but had some horrible injuries to my knees, followed by 2 back to back hernias getting into shape. that was 4 years ago.
    At my fattest, I was 210, but brought it down to s steady 180. And have maintained that for going on 2 years. sometimes getting down to 170, But feel dis-proportioned so I bulk back up.
    I own a construction/heavy equipment company, so I stay pretty muscular and active(for a normal person) have a big frame. Just want to cut down the body fat and get crazy definition.
    Which is why I was recommended HGH and test. But thats mainly my story.
    chest 46 inch
    shoulders 54 inch
    bicep unflexed 14.5inch
    anything you gys got, would go a long ways. My diet has changed significantly and is very healthy, balanced.


  11. #11
    Anyone? anything?

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