just curious if anyone here has tried Dinitrophenol?? What was ur experience? How well did it work?? Sounds really more dangerous than the benefits are worth...also pgf-2 anyone done this? Opinions?
just curious if anyone here has tried Dinitrophenol?? What was ur experience? How well did it work?? Sounds really more dangerous than the benefits are worth...also pgf-2 anyone done this? Opinions?
iv done dnp before and i liked the results but it sucks ass being on it u feel like ur cooking to death about every second of it no matter how u use it wether it be long and low dose or short and high dose ur going to wish it was ovr. iv nvr done pgf-2 but iv done a good amount of pgcl and its amazing i have nvr gotn shreded as fastas i did with pgcl
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