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Thread: First cycle ever. Need advice.

  1. #1

    First cycle ever. Need advice.

    Hey, I know I am rather small someone wanting to take steroids (5'7" 145 lbs 22 years old), but I am ready to step it up a notch. I am mildly prone to acne, so I am not sure Test-E would be a great thing to inject. Is there something that works like it but doesn't give you oily, acne covered skin?

    What would be a good beginner cycle for me? I already have a source of where to buy every thing. I just need to know what to buy, how much to buy and when to inject what.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    You are still rather young.
    Read this very closely first, especially the age part:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Easy answer. It's Fooderal.
    Best beginner cycle for you is learning to eat, how to eat, what to eat, when to eat.

    Buy FOOD, dont buy any AAS, inject lots of food into your mouth/stomach. Honestly you will do yourself no good trying to figure out what AAS to use. You should use NON until you are up to about 175 at the least solid muscle and have a good 3 years of heavy training and strict diet.

    You can gain more muscle at your age due to natural test levels than trying to inject anything and you will maintain it. If you use AAS at your size you will pump up via water weight, you will have severe acne break out and once you are off cycle you will loose all of it and everyone will laugh at you at your gym and behind your back.

  4. #4
    Okay, sound advice. Thanks. I will wait till I am 25 and I have been trying my hardest to grow. I've been eating a 500 calorie surplus with a 50/20/30 ratio between proteins, fats and carbs, but I am starting to plateau. I am using progressive overload with each new work out as far as weight AND reps go too. I guess my genetics weren't made to pack on that much muscle, but I'll do my best and when I get to 25, i'll start injecting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Yay area, Cali
    Yeah jackal Im only 5'6" and it was hard for me to gain some size but after I got my diet right I just started packing on the pounds I got up all the way up to 205lbs but ended up going on a diet cause it made me look even shorter than I way and now im around 185. But if you eat well you will get there just dont be in a hurry to get there give your body time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New Jerzee

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