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Thread: taken by customs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    taken by customs?

    my product came with a tracking number and once it hit the states which was the march 24 it says in NY waiting to go to destination or something like that but it had that message since the 24th so does anyone know if it was taken by customs? or would it say on the tracking number it was?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ive seen stuff say that then it just shows up the next day. I wouldnt stress. Its beyond your control now anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I would have to say its gone man mine have said that a few times the exact same thing never ever have I got it and I never ever have received a seizure letter either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    i recently had the same thing happen to me. mine arrived in NY on the march 24 and it didn't even say it was in customs yet, but arrived at my door on the 29th still saying it was in NY.
    Last edited by dock holliday; 04-03-2010 at 04:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by grapejuice11 View Post
    my product came with a tracking number and once it hit the states which was the march 24 it says in NY waiting to go to destination or something like that but it had that message since the 24th so does anyone know if it was taken by customs? or would it say on the tracking number it was?
    hmmm, if the tracking info is provided on the site you bought it from then i think you were being gyped from the gecko. I think lots of sites that say they provide tracking just to make themselves look more "legal to the feds or whatever" i dunno exactly y i think its because in the countries they sell it in, they are semi legal. then of course once product is sent u can't get tracking...

    i also think that sometimes when u purchase from a source they'll hack into your computer to see if it was a government computer that asked for the order. i remember i bought from a source and only b4 or after they shipped it out, i got a message on my computer saying that an outside source or whatever accessed my computer

    don't be freaked out if it isn't exactly up to date tracking as i don't think a source would be too thrilled to give that.

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