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Thread: Test or Deca with Winny or Var

  1. #1

    Test or Deca with Winny or Var

    5+ cycles
    Used Test in all added tren, eq, hgh etc. Not all run together.
    This is just some background.
    I eat 7 meals 3 shakes 4 solid.
    I train 5 days on 2 off
    Im currently cutting and my diet consists of a 3 day split. Im eating 2000, 2300, 2500 cal 50, 100,150 carbs 1.5g pro p/ lb.
    I have started 40 mins cardio pw. as of 4-1-10.
    I am doing this as a hobby. Amateur bb.

    I have Var and Winny orals teste 200 and deca200.
    I will be running 1iu Hgh 6/7 days forever.
    I also have anastrozole eod.

    Im not looking to pack anymore mass. I would like to harden and preserve during diet + cardio. I need to drop bf .

    I would appreciate opinions on running this the most EFFECTIVE WAY.

    I was going to run Test 200 p/wk Winny 50 ED and Var 50mg ED as well.
    I was aware of 2 orals so I plan on this being a fairly short,(6 week) cycle.

    Would deca be better than test? I would imagine I'd need both if I take deca. However I don't want to carry anymore water.

    Please advize. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I havent even read it all but straight away i wuld say test! inless you never wanna get it up!

  3. #3
    so you are saying take test because the var and winny will affect my arousal?
    thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    N. of the arctic circle
    Dude you need to do alot more reading here.

    ALWAYS use test while on cycle.

    If you don´t and use deca on its own or with other compounds you´l have major problems

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Yeah, you can read probably 50% of the threads on here and see something about deca and test.

  6. #6
    I guess my real question was which to take with the winny and the var. Test or Deca.

    I have taken test in every cycle. I wanted to know specif. answers but it was a long thread . Ill check back.
    It seems as though test is the front runner. I appreciate the feedback.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Killing Zombies

    Deca - test = a useless dick

    Deca + test = a dick that should function

    I have never cycled and I know this. Please be safe.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New Jerzee
    I guess my real question was which to take with the winny and the var. Test or Deca.

    wait, your stacking winny with var??????

  9. #9
    im just finishing teste 400 and deca 400 p/wk now. It was terriffic.

    it was a 8 week cycle. It worked great for gains in strength and size. Especially strength. I took 2 weeks off everything. Now its time to cut for 6 more weeks.

    Im thinking test 200 per week maybe 400. 50 winny 50 var ED.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Would deca be better than test?.........You have to run the test every cycle bro. You should know that after 5 cycles I would think.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    If you all read his OP thoroughly, you would see he acknowledges the fact that if he runs Deca, he will run Test too.

    He is asking if Test is sufficient with Winstrol and Anavar. Or if running Test + Deca on same cycle would achieve better results.

    In response to the OP, I've noticed since introducing Winstrol to my Test/Deca cyle, that water retention has dropped significantly.

    Also, due to the negative effects Winstrol has on joints, I would recommend for this reason only to run Deca on your cycle. Even at only 200mg/week it should alleviate some of the negative effects of Winstrol and should not create a problem with water retention.

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