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Thread: Cycle+pct help"is this gtg or not?"used test.e/c only before this!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Question Cycle+pct help"is this gtg or not?"used test.e/c only before this!

    Halotestin 30mg/ed
    Trenbolone acetate 100mg/ed or eod (is it gtg eod or must i take it ed)???

    20weeks on all exept halotestin that i will only be on for 8weeks!
    (should i use the halo at start or end of this cycle?what would be the best?)

    I have been on testo enanthate or cypionate for over 8months at 500-750mg/w
    i will finish the test cycle with the above in a 20week long cycle and after that i will do pct(nolvadex+clomid)

    All sugestions and info from people that has been on this cycle or know what dosage and how often i should take it to be gtg when i have been on testosterone cyp/enanthate for over 8months before this ending with halo/tren/test.prop!

    Will run PCT 5weeks after and i have nolvadex already+will get clomid to use with that!

    Just woundering if this cycle is gtg or if i should increas or lower the dosage on any of the gear i am going to start up with in a few weeks!
    (anabol5mg"B.disp"+Deca+proviron i also have at home already should i use this to or is the things i have planed on using gtg after my dosage of testo at 750mg the last 4months(probably closer to +850mg/6days last 2-3months)

  2. #2
    why are you shouting?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    why are you shouting?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sorry but i have no idea what u mean?
    English is not my 1st language live in europe so i do not know what you mean?

    I now that shout is same as scream(but hard to scream when writing or is it?)

    Anybody whit any views on the cycle?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by swe1975 View Post
    Halotestin 30mg/ed
    Trenbolone acetate 100mg/ed or eod (is it gtg eod or must i take it ed)???

    20weeks on all exept halotestin that i will only be on for 8weeks!
    (should i use the halo at start or end of this cycle?what would be the best?)

    I have been on testo enanthate or cypionate for over 8months at 500-750mg/w
    i will finish the test cycle with the above in a 20week long cycle and after that i will do pct(nolvadex+clomid)

    All sugestions and info from people that has been on this cycle or know what dosage and how often i should take it to be gtg when i have been on testosterone cyp/enanthate for over 8months before this ending with halo/tren/test.prop!

    Will run PCT 5weeks after and i have nolvadex already+will get clomid to use with that!

    Just woundering if this cycle is gtg or if i should increas or lower the dosage on any of the gear i am going to start up with in a few weeks!
    (anabol5mg"B.disp"+Deca+proviron i also have at home already should i use this to or is the things i have planed on using gtg after my dosage of testo at 750mg the last 4months(probably closer to +850mg/6days last 2-3months)
    I just want to clarify:

    You have been on testosterone for the past 5 months @ ~750 - 800mg/wk correct?

    Second question:

    What are your stats: age/weight/height/BF%/is this your first cycle?

    If you've been using testosterone for the past 20 weeks then you should definitely start your PCT soon bro. I would definitely not chance staying on for ANOTHER 4 months.

    Have you been using HCG at all?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Yes been on hcg resantly!

    Been using steroids for the past 15years on and of!

    weight-130 +/- kg
    bf=???(not especially high so not mr.fat)
    cycle=???? more than 20
    longest cycle=over 2 years on with 8months off

    just wanted to check the trenbolona+halotestin dosage out!(never used them before so new for me!)been on most of all the other steroids during the years but trenbolone and halotestin has never been available before from a good source so i have always used the same old things as test,dianabol,deca,winstrol and so on!

    Just wanted to check out the dosaging when been on test for a while so i dont **** everything up with the trenbolone acetate+halotestin that i will use for getting rid of some of the bloating+little fat(probably not much fat that i will get away with this but atleas a little as far as i have understood it tren+halo would be gtg for this and i use test propionate instead of enanthate so i dont have alot of bloat/water in the bodie,been gtg with propionae before alone to get rid of the bloating from the enanthate or cypionate at the end of the cycle but have these other things i wanted to try out during the last weeks on the cycle before i end it with a pct and long break again as i have done befoore with good results!

    Just the 2 gears tren+halo i am woundering about that i am going with at the end together with the propionate that i was going to use anyway before pct and rest from gear with hgh for atleas 4-8months with low dosaging of hgh as usuall(planned on starting the hgh earlier but didnt get any and will not get any for some weeks,will do only 2iu/day with hgh during break as usuall and have found that to be gtg for some brand and other brands 4iu/day of hgh for minimum of 4-5months)

    Dont know what else to write?
    Probably all i can at the moment on my way to work soon so a little stressed right now!

    But as i asked tren+halo together with test,prop that i have planned on using anyway(mayby not for 20weeks but will be on for atleast 12weeks,i have everything for 30weeks at that dosage when it comes for test+tren for 20w but as i asked is the 20weeks on that dosage if that is gtg or to low??)

    "Sorry for the long text n mayby hard to understand?"english is unfortunate not my 1st language!

  7. #7
    Your English is fine, don't worry about it - it's very clear. (perhaps work on getting your writing to be a tad more concise though loll..)

    Your dosages of the 3 compounds are absolutely fine. I would be injecting the tren @ 100mg/ed. If you're worried about the sides from tren then you could start at a lower dosage (IE) 50mg/ed = ~350mg/wk... and then ramp up to 75mg/ed..etc..

    8 weeks on halo is going to be hard IMO. lol. I could barely handle 3. The sides from that compound are very pronounced. Patience dissipates rather quickly while on 30mg of halo, It's pretty hard on the liver too... so you may want to reconsider all 8 weeks at that dosage.

    A couple of suggestions I might add:

    a.) You should get some bloodwork done immediately or very soon. You should definitely get your lipid panel checked out, etc.... staying on such a high dose of testosterone for such long periods can significantly alter your body's chemical profile.

    b.) Make sure to use lots of HCG leading up to your PCT. (help w/ testes function & return them to normal size/volume)

    c.) When you do your PCT you should definitely use an extended protocol, and run it for 5 - 6 weeks minimum.

    Best of luck, and hope that clears up your questions..


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