She will fill you in on the details
She will fill you in on the details
he finally got laid lol
with mej/k
LMFAO! I hope she doesn't log on for a week now just to piss everyone off.....
Or maybe she wont say.....
DAMN! You were on that!
its about time you finally busted a nut
Ok I have a very very serious question:
is the penis in that motivational-style poster the elephant's ACTUAL penis?
I'm dead serious. I want an answer now.
I have a special announcement to make.
Haz´s service will be Sat @ 10am
Haz was a good guy. Loved by many. He lived a short life. He died from bleeding after his now ex wife cut his penis off.
gooddiamond we should go out, i'm around your age!!
but seriously....that elephant is hung. its fantastic
actually, having no friends right now is kinda cool, i'm refocused on school, working out and work and am not smoking nearly as much weed or drinking.
it's fantastic, as a matter of fact, that is.
sweeeeet! What kind of steroids do you like best?
Me, I love good ol' test e and deca. and maybe a lil dbol
I was on hrt for about 13 months cause i was on cycle when i had this gf and i couldnt keep a boner for her after the cycle and thought my HPTA was ****ed for life but in actuality i was lying to myself when I told myself I loved her. But anyways, I thought my endo test was screwed so I was on hrt. and then I came off in jan and am back to my natty test levels (so it feels) and so I might jump back on someitme soon
i tried to read this thread..
i failed..
so i thought.. maybe alcohol will assist w/ the translation..
it failed
so now.. im outta options.. i do not understand this thread.. and its my bed time... wtf do i do
Hey man, I don't understand life. It's ok. And yes, bed sounds good
diamonnddddd should know something.....Haz and I share everything...everyyyyythingggg
bless you and your HUGE elephant-skin penis. truly a sight.
Posting from my iPhone isn't nearly as fun.....
Hey TGF - do u have pics from Friday?
I have an anouncement to make..
Wait for it....................
NO Hanzel just wanted to be popular and made guys assume that he is having an affair with Canadian chick......
He is just looking for attention cause he is not getting any....
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